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- by Moira

The Suitors

1, Nanny Wakes Up
2, The Admiral Goes Fishing
3, Confessions
4, An Evening with the Prince
5, Interlude
6, A Nice Quiet Breakfast
7, The Interviews
8, The Preparations Begin
9, The Presentation Ceremony Begins
10, The Offerings
11, Epilogue

My Thoughts on the Suitors.


The Suitors
Part Nine

The Presentation Ceremony Begins

“So Nanny, how do I look?” Keith calls as he walks towards Nanny who is standing the private side hall, outside of the ballroom.

Nanny turns and freezes in place, eyes boggling, as she watches Keith approach in his full dress uniform. She actually finds herself breathless. Gone is the uncertain Keith from earlier today. He is now carrying himself with all the strength and determination of his legend. Everything about him is perfect and polished. Everything is in place except of course his unruly thick head of hair, which is flowing loosely around his sholders. Nanny long ago gave up on the subject of his hair. Now though, she smiles to herself, she couldn’t imagine him without it. He reaches her and nobly stands before her. “Captain you are absolutely... dashing!”

He bows to her most regally. “Why thank you my lady.”

Nanny curtsies back.

“Nanny how is Allura?”

“She is calm. She seems to have been able to turn off all her emotions.”

“Nanny, I’m worried about her. That’s not like her at all.”

“It will be alright Captain. Don’t worry.”

“I’m sorry, but I just don’t think this is right way to do this.”

“Keith. It is our tradition. It is what is expected. We must maintain our history.”

“Under that logic then, what the heck am I doing here?”

Nanny laughs. “Some things are meant to change. But we can’t go changing everything at once now can we?”

Keith just rolls his eyes at her.

“Well, I have to go in. everything will be starting soon. Are you okay? Do you need anything?

“No, I saw the Admiral, he has his speech done. He should be along in a couple of minutes.”

“Already here Captain.” The admiral approaches, also in full dress.

Nanny smiles. “Oh how handsome you look Admiral.” She looks at the two men standing next to one another noticing how the captain, however less than half the age of the Admiral, has more decorations on him than his senior. Her eyes get lost in all his splendor again.

“Nanny? You’re staring at me.” Keith smiles.

“I well… um. Keith, I’m just so happy you’ve decided to do this.”

“Nanny. Listen, I don’t know what in the world could have brought this change in you. I’m still waiting for you to start chasing me out of here with your rolling pin. I want you to know that I really appreciate all you’ve done for me today. Thank you.” Keith takes her hand and kisses it.

Nanny starts to blush brightly. ”You’re welcome Captain…It was yesterday, when you were playing with the kids.”

“What was?”

“When I realized it was you. You were the one.”

Keith looks at her with a raised eyebrow.

“You are just like Allura’s father. He was so strong when he needed to be but in private, in secret…” Nanny laughs. “He used to play tag too.”

Keith laughs. “Really? King Alfor? Tag?”

“Yes, sometimes the games lasted all night long.”

“Nanny do you really think I’m like him? Like King Alfor?”

“With every cell of your being Captain Keith. You are the King. Too bad it took me all these years to see it. I’ve been so terrible to you. I hope you can forgive me.”

“Nanny, let’s just start over okay. Let’s forget about the past. Hopefully there is a long future ahead of us. What do you say?”

She curtsies to him and smiles. “Hello Captain Keith. I am Nanny head of domestic affairs here at the castle. If you need anything just let me know.”

Keith bows. “It’s good to meet you Nanny. Thank You.” Keith smiles at her then pulls her into a hug.

“Okay, now I can die now I have seen everything.” Lance exclaims as he, Sven, Hunk, and Pidge come down the hall. “Keith is actually hugging Nanny. Unbelievable. Next thing you know Keith will marry the princess.” The whole group erupts into laughter.

The admiral regains himself first. “Alright, you all remember what you need to do?”

“Yes Sir!” They all answer in unison.

“Good operation match-up is underway. To your places.”

“Yes Sir!” They all give Keith pats on the back and thumbs up as they leave, heading into the ballroom. .

“Sven, Lance can I have a word?” Keith calls after them.

Lance and Sven stop and walk back to Keith, as the Admiral, Nanny, Hunk, and Pidge all disappear into the ballroom.

“I wanted to thank you, Sven, for helping me figure out what to do tonight.”

“That’s what friends are for Keith.” Sven gives him a hug.

Keith smiles. “And Lance, the Admiral told me what you did. How you told him about Allura and I.” Keith’s eyes start to shimmer and he takes a few deep breaths. “Thank you.” Keith extends his hand to his friend.

Lance takes it and pulls Keith into a hug. “Just doing my job, Cap.”

“And what job would that be?” Keith cocks his head at Lance.

“Well it’s a new hobby of mine. Call me cupid. You guys need to check out Pidge’s blind date.”

Keith and Sven both groan. Sven slaps his hand to his face. “Oh no. Not blind dates again!”

“Hey, you two are off the hook now, you don’t have to worry.” Sven, you and Romelle are engaged and if all goes right tonight for our Captain, Keith will be, shall we say, busy too.”

Sven laughs. “What, you doubt that he will be going home tonight with a new trophy?”

Lance laughs. “Sven, if you saw the kiss that I saw this morning, you would know, Keith’s already won that trophy.” Lance looks at his captain and winks.

Keith’s eyes go wide and he freezes. A crimson wave starts to creep up his face. He then quickly turns away.

“No way!” Sven stares at Lance then Keith then back to Lance. “They? … Keith and Allura? No way!”

Lance smiles deviously and nods at Sven. “Its okay Keith, the others didn’t notice. It takes a trained eye like mine to see such things.” Lance pauses and smirks at his captain. “So? How was it?”

Keith slowly turns around his face still a little red. He shoots Lance a cautioning glare. “Don’t even start.”

Lance gets a wicked grin. “Well Keith, it’s good to know you’re at least human. I was beginning to wonder.”


Sven lightly elbows Lance. “Yeah, you know I wasn’t sure he even knew about...”

“Sven!” Keith buries his face in his hands. “Thank you sooo much guys.” His voice is muffed through his hands.

Lance walks to Keith’s side and puts his arm around his shoulders. “Now, you do know after tonight everyone will be watching you two a whole lot closer. You might need to have some help to keep your … private rendezvous … private.”

Sven moves to Keith’s other side also putting his arm around Keith’s shoulders. “Oh yes, it is quite the challenge. But I think our stealthy Captain is up to the task. I’ll tell you some of the tricks Romelle and I figured out to hide, while well, you know, almost in plain sight. Now, that’s a rush!”

Lance looks over to Sven. “Really? Well, don’t tell just him, I could use that info too.”

Keith keeps his burning face buried in his hands.

Sven smiles. “No problem. We should go out later tonight before Romelle and I leave. Oh, but wait. Keith will probably be busy, with Ally … all night.” Sven and Lance snicker.

Keith buries his face deeper and sighs. “Don’t you two have someplace to be right now?”

Lance smiles. “Right now? No, they just want us to stand around and be decorative. Heck, we can do that out here. Right Sven?”

“Absolutely Lance.”

Keith stands up rigid. “Will you guys just go! Get out of here!”

Lance laughs. “Okay we’re going. Remember we’re here if you need us to run any interference so you two can …” Lance bobs his eyebrows up and down.

“Get! Go! Before my foot goes up your...”

Lance jumps clear. “Okay we’re going.”

The two men strut to the door. Lance turns. “Good luck Keith, though I know you don’t need it. We all love you both. This is meant to be.” He smiles and turns entering the ballroom with Sven.

Keith is now alone in the side hall. He doesn’t want to go down to the main hallway yet. No, Allura would be there and so would all the other suitors. Better just to stay in the sidelines until it’s time to go in. He moves to a side door. He can see half of the main ballroom from there. The immense room is crammed full and overflowing out of the doorways. At least three thousand people are gathered. They all seem to be in good spirits, talking amongst themselves.

The sound of music pierces the murmurs of the crowds bringing the room to attention, heralding Allura’s arrival. A long greeting line of well-wishers forms, leading from the doorway to the raised platform. Keith sees the team making up the end of the line. He smiles at them. They’re all playing their part well even without him standing next to them nagging. Then she enters the room and all eyes jump to her. At least that’s what Keith assumes has happened since he can’t see her from where he is. He decides to risk it, while everyone’s attention is focused on Allura, he sneaks into the side of the room to try and see her. He finds a place behind the crowds where he can watch. His eyes lock on her as she is greeting the guests with Romelle and Queen Orla. His heart ties in knots at what he sees. It’s not Allura. Not his Ally. This woman is someone else. Some empty shell of a woman. She is cold, no life to her smile. No magic in her eyes. She is dead inside. Keith wants to run down to her and take her in his arms. I’m here Ally Don’t worry. We will be together. His hands ball up into fists as he fights off the temptation. I need to tell her, tell her now! Ally I’m here for you. Keith is suddenly jostled forward almost loosing his balance. He has to grab onto a mans shoulder in front of him to not fall into him.

“Watch it!”

“I’m sorry sir, my apologies.”

The man turns and is instantly dumbfounded to find Captain Keith behind him, who is looking rather sheepish.

“Truly sorry sir.” Keith half smiles.

“The man shakes his head. “Nah, couldn’t be.” He mutters, turning back around.

Keith looks down to find little James wrapped around his legs again. He laughs “James! What are you doing? Where’s your family?” He reaches down and grabs up the little boy, placing him on his hip.

“Day over dere Capen.” The boy points out a couple sitting two rows away. Keith sees them, and makes eye contact with James’ mother, who was watching her son carefully. Her eyes go wide registering that it’s Keith holding her son. She looks to where the rest of the Voltron Force is and then back to Keith who is hiding in the back of the sidelines. She looks completely confused but knows her son is in good hands.

Keith just shrugs his shoulders and smiles. He sees her studying him. Her face changes, as she looks at him. There’s something in her eyes. They almost seem to shimmer as she looks at him. She pulls up the corners of her mouth trying to cover her feelings. She then quickly breaks her gaze with him, turning to hide her face. Her husband, sensing her distress, puts his arm around her pulling her to him. She whispers something to him, and he snaps his head around to look at Keith. Keith puts a finger to his lips and smiles. The man smiles and slightly waves to James, but his eyes too, fill with pain. He drops his eyes and also turns away.

Keith shakes his head. Is everyone really this upset? For me?

He looks over at Allura who has barely moved down the line. The Ice Princess. Come on Ally smile. Show me you’re still there.

That’s when Keith gets an idea. She’s going to be stuck in that line for a while. “James? How would you like to go on another special mission for me?”

“Oh boy yeah! Yeah!” The boy grins from ear to ear.

Keith loudly clears his throat. James’ dad and a few others turn around to look. The others quickly doing double takes realizing who is standing behind them. They look shell-shocked at first and then their faces turn to pity. Keith meekly smiles and waves to them. I can’t believe this! They’re all worrying about me! Have my feelings for Allura been that obvious? Most of these people aren’t even staff.

Keith then looks at James’ dad, points to James and himself, and then points out the side door. James’ father looks at him quizzically for a moment then smiles nodding his approval. Happy to get a break, Keith assumes. Keith quickly leaves the room carrying James, leaving everyone else looking very melancholy and confused.

Keith makes a beeline for the banquet hall where the guests had cocktails earlier.

“What we gonna do dis time Capen Keeff?”

“We have been given the same mission, Jr. Cadet James. We must sneak the princess a secret encoded message that only her eyes can see.”

“Wow, da pinsess? I get to see da pinsess again?”


“Yeah! She purdy. I like her.”

Keith chuckles. “I like her too James.”

They reach the banquet hall now empty of guests. There are four staff members cleaning up. It seems most have gone off to watch the ceremony which doesn’t bother Keith in the least. The fewer eyes the better. The four that are there are completely taken off guard by the sight of the Voltron Commander and a small boy.

James shouts out. “Shhh! We on top secit mission don tell nobody! Kay.?”
Keith starts to laugh covering his face with his hand, the rest of the room joining in. One of the staff walks up to them giving James a snappy salute. “Yes sir. We won’t say anything.”

James smiles big and returns the salute.

Keith sets James down, still laughing to himself. “Jr. Cadet James, can you find me a flower please?”

“Yes Sir Captain.” He bolts around the room jumping up onto chairs at all the tables looking for the perfect flower.

Keith smiles at his partner’s enthusiasm and heads for a table. He is very aware of the four staffers in the room, all studying him. He is afraid to look at them. He can’t stomach seeing the pity face again, but somehow even without looking, he knows it’s there, and that brings a lump to his throat.

Looking for anything to write on, he finds the wine list from the evening and sits down at the table to write. But what do I say? I promised Nanny I wouldn’t tell her. Well, I suppose I could hint. He laughs. After all, now he sort of likes the idea of seeing Ally’s shocked face when he’s presented. No I can’t tell her. Just make her smile. He grins and writes.

“Dis one! Dis one pufect for da pinsess!” James runs up to Keith with a beautiful red rose, bringing raised eyebrows from the rest of the room. Suddenly all of them are very interested indeed, in this top-secret mission.

Keith is completely taken aback as he takes the red rose from James’ hand. He has held this very rose before, there is no doubt about it. It is the same rose from the garden. He gets goose bumps all over and a shiver courses through him. He looks up to the ceiling. “Thank you, your majesties.” He looks back down to James smiling.” Thank you Jr. Cadet James. Napkin please.”

James is off like a shot, climbing around on all the chairs again, but soon starts to panic for the napkins have all been cleared. One of the staff walks up to him as he is climbing on a table in vain, looking for a napkin. She dangles a black cloth napkin out to James. ”Jr. Cadet James, will this do?”

His eyes light up and he grabs it. “Tank you lady.” He grins, and then bolts back to Keith, handing him the napkin. “Here Capin.”

Keith salutes him. “Excellent work Jr. Cadet James. At ease.”

James looks at him puzzled.

Keith laughs. “You can rest for a bit.”

James smiles and climbs up and stands on the chair next to Keith to watch what he’s doing.

“So Jr. Cadet James, this has to be written in secret code so no one else can understand it.”

“What’s it say?”

Keith pushes the card over in front of James. “Well, I don’t suppose they have been teaching you how to read much yet. What it says is...” Keith stops, suddenly aware that the four staff members are now all really close and listening intentley. He looks up at them and they quickly pretend to be working. Keith leans into James’ whispering in his ear. “I think we have spies amongst us. I’ll tell you later.”

James head rockets up. “Spies!” Looking all around the room. “Where?”

Keith drops his head to the table with a thud, laughing hysterically, followed by the laughter of the staff.

Keith lays the napkin flat, folds the paper in half placing it in the center of the black napkin. “Jr. Cadet James. The flower please.”

James grabs the flower, puts it on the paper and smiles at Keith.

“Perfect.” Keith pauses a moment, looking at the red rose surrounded by the black napkin, and has a little chuckle to himself. It’s almost like he planned it. Keith folds the napkin up tight and stands up to his full height. “Message ready! Are you ready Jr. Cadet James?”

“Ready Capin Keeff.”

Keith picks up the napkin in one hand and takes the boy’s hand in his other as they triumphantly march out of the banquet hall. James turns and shouts back as they leave the room. “Wemember don tell.”

The staff all stop and give him a snappy salute, making James giggle with delight.

Keith smiles back at the group. There’s no ignoring the looks they are all giving him, stopping him in his tracks. It’s that fake smile again. A smile filled with such sadness behind it. Ever since Nanny called his attention to it, he has been seeing that look everywhere. Everyone seems to really be concerned for him. It’s amazing. Especially from the castle staff who have been around throughout the war. Those whom he has known for so long, almost like an extended family. He stands there, lost in his thoughts. Sue tentatively walks up to him and puts a hand on his arm.

“Captain, are you going to be okay.” Sue asks, looking into his eyes.

“What… um.” He slowly smiles. “I…” He starts to flush a little and turns away.

“Captain, just know that, no matter what happens tonight, all of our thoughts are with you.”

Keith starts to chuckle bringing confused looks to the others, who have now all walked up to him. “Sue? Can you all get free to come to the ballroom? And be there by the end of Prince Kendrick’s presentation?”

“I suppose, why?” Concern is etched on her face.

“Well, let’s just say something interesting is going to happen.” He smiles at her. “Just come. And spread the word to the rest of the staff. I want you all to be there.” He looks down to James who has been tugging on his hand the whole time. “Okay, okay. I’m coming.” James tugs him down the hall. He looks back to the four confused staffers who have now moved out into the hall to watch them and yells back. “Please come. You’ll be sorry if you miss it.” Then he flashes them a devastating smile, sending them all reeling.

Keith and James reach a side door to the ballroom, which is closest to where the Voltron Force are standing. Keith peeks in. Yep, just as he figured she’s only about three-quarters of her way through the line. The team all have their backs to him and they’re to many people standing between him and the team. Keith spies a guard close by and gets his attention as the guard walks up. They duck back into the passageway.

“Captain? Why aren’t you with the others?”

Keith sighs. “Long story.”

“Yes, I understand.” The guard gets the same concerned sad face. “That’s what we all figured.”

Keith shakes his head in disbelief, looking at the man. Not another one. Officer Riley you too? I am really blind. “Officer Riley, could you get Pidge for me?”

“Why of course Captain.” The guard heads off. Soon Pidge comes out to meet them in the passageway.

“What’s up Keith?”

“Jr. Cadet James here will be taking my place to greet Allura. Can you take him in?”

“Why sure, Cap.” Pidge kneels in front of James. “Hey James.” Giving the boy a big hug.

Keith kneels down too. “Jr. Cadet James!”

“Yes sir! “ James stands ridged.

“Here is the package. Good luck.” Keith salutes him.

James giggles and salutes back.

“Package Commander?” Pidge grins. “What’s in the package?”

James hugs the folded up napkin close to his chest. “It’s a secret! Don tell em!”

“Yes Pidge, its a secret. Top secret clearance only.”

Pidge laughs. “Okay you two.” He raises his eyebrow at Keith and laughs. “Couldn’t keep away could you, Cap?”

“What Pidge? Me?” Keith laughs.

Pidge gives Keith a big hug. Thanks Cap.”

“Thanks for what?”

“For waking up.”


“Waking up. Seeing the light. Getting some sense in your head. Gosh, if you ever see me fall that deeply in love with someone please, hit me over the head so I don’t ignore it for years like the way the two of you did.”

“Pidge!” Keith glares at him.

Pidge looks up to the ceiling taping his finger on his chin. “A big huge two-by-four should do the trick I think, or maybe a baseball bat.”

Keith grabs the hair on his forehead and points to the door. “Will you just go before you miss her?”

“Sure thing… Highness.”


“Come on James lets go see Allura.” Pidge stands up taking James’ hand.

“Yay. Da pinsess!”

“Now do you remember what you did last time James?”

“Last time, Captain?” Pidge smirks down at the still kneeling Keith.
James nods.

Keith ignores Pidge’s comment. “Good. I’ll wait right here to take you back to your folks when you’re done. Okay?”

“Yes sir!”

“Have fun. Remember you’re taking my place so stand tall.”

James’s eyes go wide. “Me you?”

“Yes, you’re standing in for me. Can you do that?”

“Oh boy! Oh yes! Yes! Yes!” James starts jumping up and down.

“Good. Now get going you two.”

Pidge shakes his head and is grinning like a fool. He takes in a deep dramatic breath and sighs. “Gee, I wonder what’s in there?”

“Pidge! Go!”

“Aye Aye Cap! Come on James.” Pidge leads him out into the ballroom.

Keith follows to the doorway to watch. Allura is just about to reach the team. Her face is still empty. He finds himself drawn to her. He wants to go out to her himself. Instead he just watches, spying on her through the people standing between them. When she gets to Sven she smiles. A dead smile. He bows to her as he takes her offered hand and kisses it. Next is Lance. Same dead smile. Hunk the same. Pidge the same. Come on Ally, they’re your friends. Pidge then addresses Allura. Allura looks puzzled. Pidge gestures to his side and James moves out from behind Pidge to stand next to him and looks up at Allura, standing as tall and regal as his four years can muster, finally bringing a genuine smile to Allura’s face.

Keith smiles from the sidelines. Ah, a spark of Ally!.

Allura curtsies to James. Who returns with a regal bow. Who’s he been watching? Keith laughs. James holds out the folded up napkin. She curtsies to him and takes the napkin, saying something to him, now smiling brightly. Now we’re talking! That’s my Ally! Keith smiles. The rest of the team seems to see the change too and appear to relax.

She then, very un-princess like, drops to her knees in front of James. Keith has to drop too, now on his hands and knees in order to see through the people standing in his way. She slowly opens the napkin up and her face lights up beautifully. She quickly looks up scanning the area. Her eyes dart right for him and Keith quickly rolls back to cover, letting out a deep breath. That was too close. It was like she knew where I was!

When he finally dares look back, she is hugging James holding the rose and opened paper in her hand, eyes bright and shimmering. Her face is beautiful and alive. I Love you Ally.

Allura then holds James by the shoulders out in front of her and smiles at him.

“You are so beautiful my Ally” Keith whispers to himself. Allura blushes noticeably as if she heard him. She puts a hand on James’ head ruffling his hair and says something to him, still smiling. James bounces at whatever she said. She speaks back to him, and James leaps into Allura’s arms, giving her a huge hug. The team all starts to laugh hysterically. What’s so funny? Keith’s brow furrows.

“Captain Keith!”

Keith shudders at the approaching voice. How the heck did Nanny find me? Damn Nanny radar!

“Really! On all fours in your dress uniform. Well, I never!”

Keith rolls back over onto his rear and leans up against the wall, folding his arms across his chest. “I knew the new Nanny wouldn’t last.”

“Future kings don’t pout, sitting on the floors of hallways.”

“Well this one does.” Keith sighing for emphasis and trying to look dejected.

Nanny reaches down pulling him up. “Come here, give Nanny a hug.” She pulls him into a bear hug then pulls away. “I saw what you were doing Captain. You better not have told her.” She brandishes a fist at him.

Keith puts his hands up and backs into the wall. “Look, I’m not suicidal. I didn’t. Promise.”

“I’ve got my rolling pin handy. So you better watch it Sonny. Now give me another hug." She doesn’t give him a choice and pulls him into another bear hug pinning his arms and squeezing the air out of him, Keith looking very confused by her constantly changing mood.

“I did it! I did it! Day all said I was just like you Capin Keeff!” James clamps onto Keith’s legs. Now he can’t breath and he’s about to loose his footing. Keith just starts to laugh at the silliness of it all. Nanny lets go first. “Using children Captain? Really?” And she’s off into an unending Nanny tirade not even pausing for air. Keith smiles at her, for this time however, she’s grinning instead of scowling through the whole thing. Keith looks down at James and whispers. “Quick, now’s our chance.” He looks up to Nanny flashing her a devastating smile, causing her to stop mid-word. “Run!” The two ‘boys’ bolt down the hall.

“Future kings don’t run down hallways!”

Keith shouts back as he rounds the corner. “Well, this one does!”

Keith hears the sound of Nanny’s hysterical laughter fading away as they round the corner.


Allura has finally reached the end of the greeting line and the team, her friends, but she still feels cold. Cold to the bone. She was hoping to hear something from Keith. Anything. She feels so alone now. That’s all she has felt most of the day, cold and alone.

She gets to Sven. She smiles at him but he doesn’t really look at her, almost like he’s afraid to meet her eyes. Lance is next. He is biting his lip. Holding something in, but what she doesn’t know. Hunk smiles at her, his eyes are shimmering. There is so much emotion in him. Pidge is obviously hiding something, but she doesn’t have the desire to find out what.

“Princess Allura.” Pidge announces. “Since our Captain couldn’t be here, he has sent an emissary on his behalf.”

“An emissary?”

“I would like to present Jr. Cadet James. Jr. Cadet James, Princess Allura.”

James moves out from behind Pidge to stand next to him and looks up to Allura, standing as tall and as regal as his four years can muster, making Allura smile. Allura curtsies to James, who returns it with a regal bow. Who’s he been watching? Allura laughs.

“Pincess Arura. Dis is for you.” He holds out the folded up napkin.

She curtsies to him and takes the napkin. “Why thank you Sir. James.” She smiles brightly at him. Keith, what did you do?

The rest of the team looks at her wonderful smile and smile back.

She then, very un-princess-like, drops to her knees in front of James. “I wonder what it is?” She slowly opens it up, and her face lights up beautifully. She quickly looks up scanning the area. I can feel him. He’s here, watching over me. But her eyes can’t seem to find him. She frowns at not seeing him. He was there, I know it. She looks back to the open napkin in her hand. There in the black napkin lays a beautiful red rose on a folded paper. She smiles again, her mind seeing the image of Keith in the Black. She lifts up the exquisite red rose and smells it. She has never seen a rose more beautiful.

“I picked it out for you.”

“You did? Why thank you, James.”

She lifts up the folded paper and slowly reads.

‘This time, it looks like you need help.
I’m looking for an excuse to get you out of there. Any excuse.
You need air, Ally. You’re suffocating.

Smile Ally. Please smile. For me?
Don’t give up. Don’t turn off. Not yet.

As promised,
My heart is with you.
No matter what happens tonight, know that I love you
My Ally.

Keith, Allura closes her eyes. Thank you my love. I’ll try. Allura takes James in a great embrace, one she wishes to give to someone else. “Thank you, James. Thank you.” She holds him out in front of her to smile at him.

James smiles back at her. “Pinsess you purdy.”

Allura blushes and puts a hand on his head, ruffling his hair. “Yes, I do believe you are the perfect emissary for our dear Captain. Thank you Sir James.”

“Wow! I did good? Just like Capin Keeff?”

“Yes, Just like Captain Keith.” Allura winks.

James then leaps into Allura’s arms giving her a huge hug.

“Just like Captain Keith.” Lance snickers. Then the whole team breaks out into hysterical laughter, bringing many a questioning eye from the surrounding crowd, wondering what could be so funny. Lance whispers again. “Just like Keith.”

End of part nine.

On to the next part.

, Fan Fiction, The Suitors 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, My Thoughts