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- by Moira

The Suitors

1, Nanny Wakes Up
2, The Admiral Goes Fishing
3, Confessions
4, An Evening with the Prince
5, Interlude
6, A Nice Quiet Breakfast
7, The Interviews
8, The Preparations Begin
9, The Presentation Ceremony Begins
10, The Offerings
11, Epilogue

My Thoughts on the Suitors.


The Suitors
Part Seven

The Interviews

Coran sits in the conference room waiting on Keith to arrive. He is not sure how Keith will react when he finds out who they will be interviewing. He shuffles through the files in front of him of the four suitors that have been chosen. He must admit, all four would be a fine Kings for Arus. It’s just that coming from the fresh memory of King Alfor, the greatest King in the planet’s history, well, everyone pales in comparison. Everyone except Captain Keith that is. He hopes Nanny wasn’t right when she thought he might run from it. An unlikely notion, but one that has plagued him since Nanny said it. He hopes he is going about this the right way. He hates the idea of tricking him into an interview.

There is a tone from his com. “Yes.”

“Sir. Captain Keith is here.”

“Good, send him in.”

The door swishes open and Keith walks in. “Coran.” He grumbles.

“Thanks for helping Keith. I really need your input here. Have a seat”

Keith sits down across from him at the large conference table.

“Here are the files on the four interviewees. Check them over. The first one will be here in fifteen minuets.” He pushes the files across to Keith and holds his breath waiting for his reaction.

Keith opens the top one and scans it. He stops. He doesn’t look up. He doesn’t move a muscle. For a long time he just sits there stunned.


Keith slowly looks up meeting Coran’s eyes. Coran hasn’t seen that much rage in the Captain since Lotor. Keith slowly stands.

“Keith, please. I know this will be difficult for you, but I want you to be a part of this. You know the princess better than anyone. Please... for her?”

Keith glares at Coran but doesn’t say a word. He snatches the files abruptly off the desk and moves to a chair in the corner of the room and sits. He takes a deep breath and reads.

About ten minutes later Keith stands up and walks over beside Coran, slapping the files down in front of him. Grabbing a chair from the table and dragging it loudly across the room behind Coran, he almost throws it against the wall. He sits down tipping the chair back against the wall, arms folded defiantly across his chest. He stares intently focused on the door to the conference room, the muscles in his jaw twitching every so often.

Well, that went better than expected. Coran thinks to himself as he wipes the nervous sweat from his brow.

There is another tone from Coran’s com. “Yes.”

“Sir, Prince Kendrick is here.”

“Send him in.”

Coran stands to greet the Prince. He hears the chair behind him clunk down on all four legs and feels Keith move next to him. Coran looks out of the corner of his eye to Keith, his face is showing nothing of the emotion that was there just moments before. He is in full captain mode again.

The door swishes open and Prince Kendrick enters with his advisor.
The prince’s advisor announces. “I would like to present Prince Kendrick of Letam.”

Coran and Keith both bow to the prince and wait for him to sit.

The prince looks at Keith with an aggravated scowl.

Coran tries to calm him. “I have asked the captain to be here. He is our highest ranking officer I felt it important to have his input.”

The prince nods but his expression shows disgust as he finds his chair.

Coran and the prince’s advisor then sit. Lastly Keith takes his seat.

The prince hasn’t taken his severe gaze off of Keith.

Coran hides a growing smile remembering the “conversation” that the prince and the captain just had two days ago.

Keith had been laying low avoiding every function that the suitors were involved in or would be at, keeping himself busy with his duties. It was becoming difficult for Coran who had to keep dreaming up new excuses for why Keith wasn’t around. All of the castle guests, wanting to meet the legendary Voltron Commander, were growing frustrated by his constant absence. Coran had to finally confront him about it, demanding that he make a public appearance. Keith argued fervently that he really didn’t have the time but Coran insisted. “I’m sorry Captain but whether you like it or not, you are a public figure. And the public demands your presence.” Now Coran knows why Keith was staying away. It makes so much sense now. He’s in love with her and seeing her with her suitors must be sheer agony for him. Coran could only imagine how painful that must be. In spite of his pain he came. Coran finally pulling the duty card, playing on Keith’s honor, forcing Keith to come.

They were all outside in the garden having a luncheon. Coran watched and listened as the Prince Kendrick was bragging to the princess about his achievements in his studies and how he had been his planet’s fencing champion.

The princess just laughed at him.

He grew furious at her. He looked around the garden and spied Keith off to the side. “Okay majesty, if you don’t believe me I’ll prove it to you.” He stormed over to Keith.

Keith, who felt the prince’s approach turned to meet the prince with a raised eyebrow.

The prince squared off in front of Keith. “Captain Keith, champion of Arus. I challenge you to a fencing match.”

“I’m sorry your highness. I do not wish to fight.” Keith stepped away.

“Don’t you walk away from me.”

“Your highness, please. I don’t want to fight you.”

A crowd started to grow around them. The prince then shouted out for all to hear while glaring at Keith. “I Prince Kendrick challenge you Captain Keith to a Dual.”

Suddenly all grew quiet. Allura made her way to the front as Keith just shook his head in disbelief.

“So, you see princess. Your knight isn’t really much of a fighter. He won’t fight me.”

Allura looked at Keith and smiled at him. “He has nothing to prove. Only you do.” She then walked over to Keith’s side. Putting her hand on his arm.

The prince glared. “It’s only because he knows I will beat him. Sure he’s great with Voltron to help him, but how is he with just a sword?”

Coran remembers the glances that were shot around the garden between the other members of the team. This guy better stand down now before he finds out exactly how well Keith can use a sword. Doesn’t he know that Keith’s duals with Lotor were with swords? Well I suppose that wouldn’t be widely known. Their duals were not really something that were publicly spoken about.

Keith then bowed deeply to the princess. “By your leave Princess.
I think I should go.” She nodded at Keith and he headed for the castle.

The Prince stormed after Keith, grabbing his shoulder and spun Keith around to him. “Chicken Captain? I never would have imagined. You a chicken.”

Keith remained calm. “I have no disagreement with you. I will not fight you.”

Suddenly the Prince punched Keith hard in the stomach. Keith saw it coming but didn’t block him, purposely taking the hit.

“Now you have!” The prince then spat on him.

Keith didn’t react at all, remaining impassive.

The princess rushed up to Keith’s side putting a hand on his arm. She glowered at the prince. “How dare you!”

“How dare I! He is the one who insults me by not accepting my challenge, and you defend him?”

The Princess dropped her head, taking a deep breath she then looked up to her captain. “Captain Keith. I order you to fight this man. Give him the dual he so desires to prove his worth to me. Do not hold back.” She then stretched up to his ear and whispered something.

The smile that grew across Keith’s lips was devilish. “Yes your highness.” Keith then strode up to the Prince. “After you your highness?”

“Bring me my swords!” The prince shouted to his assistant.

The two men had both moved onto the large lawn. A huge crowd gathering around them, many were now in the garden. It seemed word had spread quickly about the challenge.

They both began to stretch and warm up. The Prince shooting angry glances towards Keith the whole time. Coran remembers that Keith had kept his calm cool composure, a true soldier not letting emotion cloud his mind. Soon the prince’s servant returned with two swords on a tray. Both men approached.

“Your choice, Captain.”

Keith simply took both in his hands held them a moment, then placed one back on the tray. The prince took up the other and started deftly flipping it around in the air, obviously trying to intimidate his opponent and impress the crowd. Those that were near enough gasped at his display, but Keith’s face remained cool.

The attendant having stepped back raised his arms above his head. “Gentleman are you ready?”

Both men nodded.

“Begin!” The attendant bellowed as he dropped his hands.

All Coran could remember seeing was the quick red flash of Keith’s uniform as he flew at the prince. He cannot say he saw any sword movements. There were a couple clangs of steel on steel, then the sound of grinding metal, then nothing.

Keith had disarmed the prince in less than three seconds sending the sword high into the air. Keith then flipped back catching the prince’s sword in his other hand and lunged back at the Prince holding both swords to his neck, then calmly asked, “Do you yield?”

The prince had turned white and was unable to speak.

Keith stepped back and jammed both swords deep into the soil. He then turned to the Princess. “By your leave your Highness.”

She had curtseyed to him and bowed her head. As he walked away, the stunned silent crowed parted to let him pass. Coran remembered later asking the princess what she had whispered into the captain’s ear. He was shocked to hear she had asked him to “Kick his royal ass!”

Coran covers his mouth hoping no one saw his smirk. “Gentleman. Shall we begin?”

The interview began. Keith sitting next to Coran not saying a word, attentive yet expressionless, still in full captain mode.

Coran asked what the prince offered the princess and what he offered planet Arus. Then Coran asked what the prince expected to get in return. Coran already knew all the answers but he needed to officially ask them this time around, now having had the prince’s claims researched and proven. He checked everything off on the official contract he had drawn up. Once satisfied, Coran passed the paper over to the prince to review. The prince nodding that all was correct, had his advisor witness it and passed it back.

Coran then signed the document. “I recognize all your claims to be truthful and Planet Arus accepts your application to be presented tonight to our princess. Thank you your Highness.” Coran stood and bowed. Keith followed suit. The Prince and his advisor then left the room, but not before Prince Kendrick shot one last threatening gaze at Keith.

Keith silently went back to the other chair against the wall, leaning back and glaring at the door until the next one arrived. Knowing he had to endure the same process three more times.

When the last one was gone Coran looked at the four contracts sitting next to him. “So Captain, this is the best of them. What do you think? Which one should she pick?”

Keith slowly gets up his head hanging low. “I’m sorry Coran, but I just can’t stand behind any of them.”

“Why not Captain?”

Keith begins to pace the room, agitated, absentmindedly running his hand through his hair. “Coran, it’s really not my place to say.”

“Keith, if I didn’t think it was your place I wouldn’t have had you be here.”

“Coran it’s just…”

“Go on I’m listening.” Coran watches as Keith’s pacing gets faster. He pulls out a blank contract and sets it in front of him. ”Let’s just go line for line then. What’s missing from their offers to the princess? What do you think was missing Keith?”

“It’s the intangible things, Coran. She needs a partner, someone who would support her not just take over for her.” His pacing quickly becoming even more agitated. “She should be respected for what she has already done and can keep on doing. Not just become their …broodmare!” He slams his fist into the wall.

“I see.” Coran smiles and starts to fill out the paper in front of him. Luckily Keith is too lost in his anger to notice what Coran is truly doing. “Anything else? Be honest.”

Keith leans his forehead against the wall. His voice is weak. “Coran they don’t even love her.”

“Yes, I know.” Coran mutters. He writes again. “So, what about what they are offering the planet?”

Keith turns around and leans back against the wall. “Oh come on, Coran. They didn’t offer anything, just a bunch of shallow promises of good faith. You know, as well as I, they won’t follow through on them. Help build this and that. Yeah right. Their time is going to be devoted to their home worlds, not Arus.”

“So your saying they should have promised to devote themselves to Arus
before any other planet?”

“Well, yes I suppose.” Keith starts to pace again as Coran writes.

“So then what about what they want in return?”

Keith’s hands shoot back up into his hair. “I can’t believe they asked for all that! They want total control of the royal affairs of Arus? What about Allura? Doesn’t she have a say in what happens? Is that what this marriage is going to do, take away all her power? I thought a marriage was a partnership. I guess I was mistaken.”

Coran finishes writing and smugly sits back in his chair, snapping down his pen. “Good well that all sounds correct.”

Keith spins to look at Coran angrily. “What?”

Coran turns the paper to Keith. “You offer Allura your respect and love. You offer the planet your full devotion. And you expect in return a partnership in marriage. Is that correct?”

“Coran? What are you? Me?”

“Well, yes you.” Coran turns the paper back and signs it putting it onto the stack with the other four. “I recognize all your claims to be truthful and planet Arus accepts your application to be presented tonight to our princess.”

“Coran, what the hell are you doing? You know I can’t…”

Coran reaches in his pocket producing a folded piece of paper. “Here.” He hands it to Keith.

“What’s this?”

“Your new orders. The Admiral gave them to me late last night.” Coran smiles.

Keith looks at him with a mix of anger and confusion. He opens the paper and reads. “Is this some sort of extremely cruel joke, Coran?”

“No, Keith. Those are your official orders, I had them checked again this morning. They’re real.”

“Coran this is impossible how could Galaxy Garrison know?”

“Know what, Keith?”

“That we… oh, never mind.”

Coran smiles. “So, do you want the position?”

“Coran I...uh…well…”

“I see. So, you think one of these others should have the job.”


“So then, you do want the job?”

“Coran are you actually telling me that you want me, a pilot, to marry the princess?”

“Yes, and I would be sorely disappointed if you didn’t.”

A slow smile starts to grow on Keith’s face but it quickly disappears replaced with resentment and uncertainty. “Coran you’re not serious? This is all way to suspicious. I need to speak to the admiral about these orders, if that’s what they really are. It just doesn’t smell right.”

“Too good to be true, Captain? Why do you refuse to believe something so perfect could happen to you?”

Keith glowers at Coran. He is breathing heavily and he is frantically trying to control himself. He then spins and storms out of the room. Coran watches him leave the room and smiles. The ball’s in your court now, Admiral. Coran picks up Keith’s contract and writes the number five on the top of it. Tradition holds that the names are always left off the contracts so that they may be judged on their weight alone, without any preconceived conceptions to get in the way. Coran laughs. Wonder what she will think when she reads this one? He then gathers all the contracts and heads towards Allura’s quarters.

Keith is storming down the hallway to the Admirals quarters. Blowing past everyone he meets in the hall, acknowledging no one. Why are they doing this to me? Are they just trying to get my hopes up just to tear me down? Rip my heart out and see how I deal with it? What kind of cruel game is this? How could they know?

But, what if it’s all true? What if they all really now want me to stay here, forever? Yeah right! Galaxy Garrison wants me to stay. After all those generals were interviewing me last week. Come on. I know they had specific assignments in mind. Come on Keith get your head together you’re loosing it.

He reaches the Admirals quarters but no one is home. He tries to contact him through his com. but no answer. “Oh perfect!”

He uses his com again. “Keith to control.”

“Control here, Captain.”

“Can you tell me the whereabouts of Admiral Bailey?”

“Yes sir. He is in the mission ready room. In a meeting.”

“Thank you. Keith out.”

Keith storms towards the ready room. The same thoughts repeating in his head the whole way. He stops almost there, trying to collect himself. He moves to a window looking out over the lake. He rests his hands and forehead against the glass. Keith, get it together. What’s wrong with me? So far today, I’ve blown up who knows how many times. Keith looks at his now bruised hand. Oh yeah don’t forget you’ve punched out a wall… twice. Why am I loosing it? Well maybe it’s that you only got only a little over a few hours sleep, or don’t you remember Captain?

Oh, I remember. Keith starts to smile as his memories of last night and this morning wash over him. He closes his eyes. Maybe Coran is right. Maybe I can’t imagine something so perfect could happen to me. He opens his eyes again. Snap to your senses Keith, Galaxy Garrison wants you to marry. Ha! It’s got to be a joke.

Lance, Hunk, and Pidge sit in the mission ready room. The Admiral has summoned them there to talk about their possible reassignments. They are all a little uneasy about the absence their captain.

Lance is fidgeting in his seat. “Why isn’t Keith here? If this is a meeting to discuss our possible new orders then he should be here.”

The admiral enters the room. “Good I’m glad you are all here.” He walks up to the table and sits dropping a stack of files and a computer down on the desk. “I wanted to discuss with you three your desires for where you will heading next.”

Lance stares off at nothing in particular. Just us three, what about Keith? He’s not going to get a choice is he?

The admiral continues. “You all have done so much for Galaxy Garrison that we would like to reward you for your hard work and try to station you where you will be happy. Do you any of you have any preferred position that you might be interested in? Pidge?”

“Well sir, I would like to be stationed with my brother if that is at all possible. It seems we’ve been apart half our lives. It would be nice to be with him awhile.”

“Well then I’ll see what I can do. Hunk?”

“Sir. I have actually grown fond of Arus. I would love to stay here if that is at all possible.”

“Well Hunk, there are going to be many opportunities out here with the new training base being established. I’m sure we could find you a position. Would you be interested in teaching?”

“Me, a teacher?”

“Yes Hunk. With your mechanical skills you could be a great instructor.”

“Gee. I never would have thought of that.”

“Let me look into it. Lance how about you?”

“Sir, what about Keith? Why isn’t he here? Doesn’t he have a say in his next assignment?”

“I’m sorry Lance. Keith already has his orders. Coran is giving them to him this morning.”

“What!” All three pilots shout.

“Admiral after our talk yesterday… well, I thought you were…”

“I did what I could Lance. Galaxy Garrison has decided where they need him most. He still has a choice as to whether he takes the position or not. After all, it is a permanent assignment.”

“It’s permanent?” Pidge whines. “He wouldn’t take a permanent job would he Lance?”

“I don’t know Pidge, he does have a lot to get away from. He just might.”

“But the princess?” Hunk sighs.

They all three grow quiet.

Lance is lost in his thoughts. Well thanks a lot Admiral. You almost had me believing you could do something about it. I guess I was mistaken.

“So Lance what about you?” The admiral asks.

“Do whatever the hell you want with me! That’s what you’ll do anyway!” Lance stands up and walks to the window, looking out. I can’t imagine what Keith is going through right now.

Silence envelops the room.

The door suddenly swishes open and Keith bursts in without even knocking, striding up to the Admiral with a crushed piece of paper in his fist. His body is tensed, eyes piercing, showing the turmoil that he is in. “So, Admiral. Do you mind telling me what the hell this is all about?” He slams the paper down in front of the admiral. “I would have expected this kind of joke from Lance or Sven. But from you!”

“Keith it’s no joke. Those orders are real.”

“Oh, come on. I’ve never heard of orders like this. This is crazy!”

“Times are changing Keith.” The admiral picks up the crushed paper. “And, you are in the position to really make a difference in these people’s future.”

Keith puts his fists on his hips. “I still can’t believe that Galaxy Garrison is behind this.”

The admiral sets the paper back down pushing it towards Keith. “Well, it didn’t take them long to see the potential of you being in this position. Too bad you can’t see it yourself.”

Keith turns away. “But I’m just a pi…”

“Yes, you are. But to them you are also so much more. Can’t you see that?”

Keith turns back, looking at the Admiral. “Admiral I…”

“Keith. You do want the job don’t you?”

Keith runs a hand through his hair. “Well yes, more than anything.”

Lance and the others go into shock, exchanging dumbfounded looks.

The Admiral sits back in his chair. “So what’s the problem Keith? You want the job. Galaxy Garrison wants you to take the job. The only question then is weather the job wants you?”

Keith swallows hard.

“I think we both know the answer to that question is yes.”

Keith looks at the admiral in shock for just a moment, then drops his eyes, nodding slightly.

“Now it is my understanding that there are four other applicants for the job. None of which are as qualified as you are. You are a shoe-in.”

“Admiral, I…”

“It is also my understanding that you will need to be formally introduced to your new, um, employer.” The Admiral smiles. “It would be my honor to represent Galaxy Garrison and introduce you.”

“I …”

The admiral stands and walks up to Keith putting his arm around his shoulders. “I know it is a lot to take in in one morning. You can’t let this one slip by. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. You’d better jump at it.”

Keith takes a deep breath. “You’re right Admiral.” He looks up to his senior meeting his eyes. “I’ll do it.”

There is a gasp from the other three in the room.

Keith smiles at Admiral Bailey. “Thank you for offering to represent me. I suppose I better go and find out what is all expected of me when you present me.”

“Yes, and I think I have a speech to write.”

“Thank you, sir.” Keith extends his hand.

“No Keith. Thank you.” The admiral shakes Keith’s hand clasping him into a hug. Keith then turns and heads to the door.

Lance rushes up to Keith grabbing his arm. “You’re not serious? You’re really taking this job? I don’t believe it!”

Keith doesn’t turn around. He just stands facing the door.

“When does it start?” Pidge asks.

Keith doesn’t answer.

The admiral speaks up. “Tonight, if all goes well.”

“Tonight! Admiral, you did say it was permanent?” Hunk stares at the Admiral and then at Keith’s back.

Keith responds. “Yes Hunk, it’s a permanent post.”

Pidge rushes up to Keith. “Permanent? Keith you can’t. Permanent?”

Lance begins pleading. “Look Keith I know your hurting about all of this Allura stuff. But you can’t just up and leave like this. Not tonight!”

Keith turns and looks to his friends smiling. They are taken aback by his expression. Keith laughs. “Now guys. Who said anything about leaving? Now if you’ll excuse me I need to go find Allura.” Keith then makes his way out the door leaving his three stunned teammates behind.

Pidge turns to the admiral. “What is he talking about? Not leaving?”

“Admiral?” Lace asks, arms crossed against his chest.

The admiral walks up to Lance and hands him Keith’s orders. “See for yourself.”

Lance un-crumples the paper and reads. His eyes go wide in shock. “Way to go Keith!”

“Lance? Lance, what is it?” Pidge rushes up to Lance.

“Keith has been ordered, get this, to stay here on Arus if…oh you’re not going to believe this, he marries the princess!”

Pidge and Hunk’s jaws both drop. “What?” Pidge gets a confused look. “How is that possible?”

“How did Galaxy Garrison know? That Allura and him...” Hunk shakes his head in wonder.

The Admiral walks up to Lance and puts his arm around his shoulders. “Well a little bird told me. So, I told Galaxy Garrison what a big mistake it would be to make him leave. They all agreed, and here we are. Now, we need to keep this quiet until tonight. We don’t want to tip off the competition. Can you do that?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Good. Now get going. I’ve got a speech to write.”

Lance and the other two leave the ready room all three smiling. I don’t believe it. Keith and the princess. Amazing!

End of part Seven.

On to the next part.

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