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- Episode Sources

- Plot Bunnies!
- Whos Who

- Lion Voltron 1
- Lion Voltron 2
- Vehicle Voltron
- LV VV Crossovers
- Voltron 3D
- Voltron Force NEW
- Voltron in Comics


Episode Sources
Where to find your Voltron fix

Plot Bunnies! New and still building!!!
Where all those little moments happed that FF writers LOVE

Episode Whos Who... Alfor-Zarkon
A listing of many of the characters that appeared in Voltron.

Episode Breakdowns of the 80s Shows

Lion Voltron 1
Lion Voltron 2
Vehicle Voltron
Lion Voltron Vehicle Voltron crossover episodes

1990's - 2000

Voltron 3D


Voltron Force

Voltron in Comics