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- by Moira

Greatest Gift

1 Why Keith Hates Christmas
2 The Academy Years
3 A Christmas Wedding
4 Keith Loses Everything
5 Keith's Angel

6 Meeting the King
7 Meeting the Queen
8 Awakening
9 The Hunt
10 Time of Reckoning
11 The Dreamtime
12 Christmas Morning
13 Epilogue

About The Greatest Gift

The Greatest Gift A Voltron Christmas Tale
Chapter Four
Keith Loses Everything

The next morning Keith was sitting at his desk trying to focus on the reports Pidge had given him the day before but he found it almost impossible to decipher them. He took another sip of coffee hoping to shake off the cobwebs due to the restless sleep of the night before. But that was not what was really distracting him. What was most on his mind is what happened last night between the princess and himself. He still couldn't truly wrap his mind around it. Hard to imagine that he actually left his body behind and…and… He coughed trying not to picture it, but it was too late. His body began to stir at the memory. He set the cup down, placing both palms on his desk, closing his eyes and breathed deeply. He was soon reliving the memories of last night soaring in the air, connecting to her, enjoying the feel of her welcoming warmth.

"Hello, are you there?" A voice broke into his reverie and his eyes snapped open and his hands to his lap, sitting bolt upright in the process.

Lance laughed. "Where were you buddy?"

"Lance don't you ever knock?" Keith quickly dropped his eyes to the reports in front of him to hide his growing flush.

"Nah." Lance moved to sit on Keith's desk. "Then I'd miss all the good stuff." He pulled the papers away. "So, where were you?"

"Lance you can be the most aggravating person you know that?"

"Yep!" Lance grinned. "Just part of my charm. You're avoiding the question. You weren't thinking about… say… a certain blond female… maybe say… dressed in pink? So tell me, just how was your little outing last night? You two were out awfully late."

Keith's flush grew, threatening to give him away He wanted to get up and grab Lance's neck to shut him up but that would just give Lance even more ammo once he saw exactly what he was imagining doing with the princess. Instead, he remained seated and flashed Lance a look of death hoping the redness would be taken as anger. "Lance! Will you get off it? The Princess and I are just friends! Got that? Quit projecting your fantasies on me!"

Lance grinned "Whatever you say Cap." and pushed the papers on the desk back to Keith and tried not to laugh. "So what's on the agenda today?"

Keith got a sly grin. "Well, now that you mention it. I need someone to run these tests on Control's computer." Keith handed the papers back to Lance. "It shouldn't take you more than say… four hours."

"Oh no, come on Keith. Any tech could do this. I've got plans. There's only three shopping days left, I need to go to town and buy some more…" Lance caught his next word before it escaped his lips. "Stuff."

Keith's brows nit together, challenging Lance.

Lance quickly grabbed up the papers. "Fine I'll do it." He got up and stormed to the door muttering. "You're such a scrooge."

"Watch it!"

"Scrooge!" Lance yelled as the door closed behind him.

Allura was in the rec room putting the final touches on the tree there. She had gotten Hunk to help her hoping the distraction would take her mind off of her thoughts of last night and her Captain since as soon as her mind goes there it was like she was reliving their whole encounter, over and over again. Not that she minded that, she didn't mind at all, but it was hardly a productive way to spend the day when there was still so much work to be done. She was standing tip-toe on top of a chair placing the ornaments near the top of the tree as Hunk passed them up to her. "Oh, I remember this one. My mother was given this as a gift by an ambassador from Earth. Isn't it beautiful?" She hung it as she smiled down at Hunk.

"Allura do you have a story for all of these ornaments?" Hunk grinned passing her another one.

She giggled. "Well, yes I remember most of them. This one was made by a woman and given to my mother the year I was born." She reached up and placed it on the tree.

Hunk then passed her up the last one. One he had been saving. "What about this one?" He grinned as handed it to her.

In her hand she now held a miniature replica of the Black Lion. She looked at it for the longest time unable to hold back the flood of memories filling her mind as she was suddenly sent back to last night and her time with the pilot of that Black Lion. She closed her eyes, suddenly overwhelmed by the sensations of the night before, of the feeling of him inside her of… she was soaring through the air…

"Whoa! You all right Princess?" She snapped her eyes open to find herself in Hunk's strong arms.

"What… what happened?" She quickly stood as Hunk put her down, busying herself adjusting her dress and trying to hide her flush.

"Well…" Hunk's hand went to his hair. You were sort of out of it. You looked… well… like you were…" Hunk flushed clearing his throat. "Ummm, you lost your balance." He held his arms out towards her. "Allura are you okay?" He walked up to her putting a hand on her shoulder and she almost jumped from the touch, making Hunk recoil. "Princess?"

"I'm okay Hunk just a little wound up, sorry." Allura couldn't believe it. It was just like last night, whatever that was. It was like she was back there, with him and it felt so good… so right. She flushed even more at the memories.

"Allura?" Hunk raised a questioning brow.

She quickly spun away hanging the ornament on the tree. She rubbed her hands down her dress. "That's it. All done! Thanks Hunk." She turned and rushed out the room, leaving Hunk scratching his head but with a big grin coming to his lips.

Allura was racing down the hall heading back to her room eyes locked on the floor. She was completely mortified. What did Hunk see? What is happening to me? And, what exactly happened last night? Did Keith and I reallyNo, it had to have been some sort of hallucination brought on by the cold, the romantic setting and all that crazy talk about souls and stuff. Yes, it was her over active imagination and… But what about that kiss… That was real enough. And that was unbelievable. She could still taste his lips on hers. Does he… could he….really love me? She slammed right into someone in the hall, papers flying everywhere. "Sorry I...wasn't paying attention I…" She looked up to see Lance smiling at her.

"Princess Allura I presume?" He bowed deeply before her. "And how are you doing this morning? I heard about your little field trip last night. Did you have fun?" Lance grinned. The flush that then came to her face was the brightest he has ever seen. "I thought so." He chuckled as he bent down to pick up the papers.

A new voice rang into the hall. "Lance wait up! You know I'd really appreciate it if you would lay off the Christmas crap and…" Keith entered the hall from his office. "I…" His eyes locked with Allura's. They stood frozen staring at one another. He finally managed to speak a very weak. "Good… morning?" He swallowed hard as their eyes unconsciously danced over one another.

"Oh now isn't this precious. You two really ought to get a room."

Suddenly shaky, Keith turned on Lance. "Don't you have to be somewhere right now?"

"Oh, so now I have a time limit?" He patted Keith on the cheek, taking advantage of his stunned state. "Mr. Scrooge." Lance then bolted down the hall.

Keith's hands turned to fists as he yelled down the hall after Lance. "You are dead meat! Do you hear me? Dead meat!"

Allura stood petrified, now alone in the hall with Keith. The man she has done nothing but fantasize about since last night. He slowly turned to her looking anywhere but at her. "How…are you doing?"

She also kept her eyes on everything else but him. "Alright I guess. Didn't sleep well. I had a terrible dream that I couldn't forget. Never really got back to sleep."

"Yeah? Me too. What was yours about?"

She was so thankful he didn't ask about them that she gladly told him about her dream. How she went into this little house that was all decorated beautifully but it was only hiding the horror within, death was everywhere. She then told him of the gory stuffed black lion. As she described it his face fell flat, lifeless, and all color drained from him. "Keith what is it? Are you alright?"

His eyes finally met hers, immediately getting lost in their depths. "Ally what happened to us? How did you…"

The castle's alarms suddenly blared out. The two silently regarded each other for a moment then turned and ran for castle control.

Keith was instantly in command mode. "Report!" He bellowed as he entered control, Allura right behind him. Lance and Coran were already there, Hunk and Pidge appearing shortly after.

A tech punched up an image on the screen. "Coffins. Six of them all heading this way they're about an hour out."

"Six?" Pidge muttered. "How did they get enough lazon for six?"

"Lets not worry about that now!" Keith barked. "Anything else on the scanners?"

"Just an anomaly. Strange energy readings here." The tech punched up another view of space but nothing of note appeared on the screen.

Keith's eyes flashed across the screen. "I want a full analysis on that area as well as those coffins. To the Lions!"

Coran raised the platform and the five pilots were soon on their way.

Keith reached the Black first, quickly launching, soon joined by the rest of the team. "Come on team lets cut 'em off at the pass! Allura, Pidge, you stay here. That anomaly has me concerned. I don't want to leave the planet unprotected."

"Aye, Aye Captain." They both snappily reply.

"Good luck Keith." Allura adds.

"Aw now ain't that sweet!" Lance snickered. "You gonna wish me luck too, Princess?"

"Lance, knock it off!" Keith barked. He pushed the Black forward full throttle to meet their foe. Thank you Princess. Good luck to you too. He thought to her and to his surprise he hears her voice reply in his head. 'Keith, come back safe'.

Keith, Lance and Hunk were quickly closing in on their targets. Six coffins from planet Doom were soon looming on their screens. "Stay tight. I don't want them to separate us."

"Yes sir."

Just before they got in weapons range, the coffins started to glow as they opened. Soon six fish-like beasts hovered before them, opening fire on them immediately.

"Well hello to you too." Lance sneered.

Keith led the three into evasive maneuvers. "Hunk, scan for energy readings, I need a weakness."

"On it! …eel one… in the center… he's our target."

"Come on…Let's make sushi!" Keith growled and led the team into an attack. "Stay tight!" They soon were on the beast. "Ion knives!"

A gleaming knife appeared in each of the three lions mouths and they cut the beast deeply before he even knew it was coming. Sparks began to shoot out from the gashes. Keith wheeled the team around to see the beast explode in a blinding flash disabling his five companions in the process. Keith glared out at the remains. "Too easy." He then jumped as he heard her voice is in his head again. 'Keith we're under attack. all transmissions are jammed.' Keith fired up the Black's thrusters. "On our way Princess. Hold on."

"Keith? What are you… " Lance asked.

"The planet's under attack we have to hurry."

"What? I don't see anything. How do you…"

"These guys were the decoys. Follow me!" Keith blasted off full speed to the planet. Hunk and Lance exchanged puzzled looks over the vidcom as they blasted after him, the creatures they were fighting dissolving into nothing.

"Princess, can you give me a brief."

'Six beasts- look like… fish men. They are all attacking separate targets…Laser darts!'

"We must have been fighting crude copies up here. Listen Allura, if they are like the others, the eel one is the leader." Keith studied his readouts but nothing was there but the shimmering anomaly.

Lance keyed his com. "Keith are you alright?"

Keith ignored him. "Hunk break off and target that anomaly for me, I think we might have a visitor up there."

"My pleasure." Hunk blasted free of the formation.

'Keith, we have disabled one. We are now after the eel beast.'

"Good job princess! We're almost there."

Lance slammed his fist. "Keith? Who the hell are you talking to?" Suddenly there was a huge flash as Hunk's missile attack landed, the com's in the Lions now picking up the many frantic transmissions from the planet below.

Coran's voice could suddenly be heard coordinating the ground defenses and evacuations. Keith tied into Castle Control's computer to get the locations of the attackers. Two were attacking the castle the other three were each in separate villages one of which was being engaged by the Green and the Blue. The downed beast lay near the lake. "Coran, how are the castles defenses holding?"

"We're holding our own for now."

"Pidge, Princess, any headway?"

Pidge voice answered. "We're not making a dent in this guy. He's a lot tougher than the other one. Can't get close, he keeps zapping us."

"Keep trying. Hunk, Lance, go for the one to the north. I'll get the one to the south. Hopefully they're as weak as the other one. Rendezvous back to help Pidge and the Princess. We've got to save the villages first. The castle will have to wait."

Coran looked proudly at them through the com. "Good Luck! Godspeed."

The three Lions were quickly descending into Arus' air space each to its target. Keith's screen then turned to static and then his favorite person was there, grinning at him. "Hope you like your Christmas present Captain. I picked it out just for you. I know it's a little early but I just couldn't wait to surprise you."

"You're all heart, Lotor." Keith watched his computer intently as it traced the transmission. "And I completely forgot to get you something."

"Oh you don't have to. The pleasure is in the giving after all." Lotor laughed.

Keith had his lock. Lotor was right behind him, yet not showing up on radar. Why does this idiot always give himself away with his gloating? Keith mused as he targeted the signal.

"Have a Merry Christmas, Captain." Lotor sneered.

Keith pulled the trigger letting loose a barrage behind him. "Merry Christmas.". An explosion lit up the sky, shimmering a bit before returning to normal and revealing Lotor's ship, which was now listing. Keith wanted more than anything to turn and finish the guy off, but the village below desperately needed him.

Lotor's laughter rang in his ears. "I knew it. Mr. Goody-Goody can't play, he has to go save the people."

Keith slammed his fist down cutting off the signal, a beautiful silence filling the cockpit. "Ahh, much better!" Keith then dove at the Robeast below. The thing looked like a giant squid with arms and legs. He targeted its big eyes and let loose a missile barrage effectively blinding it. He then landed just outside of the village and the Black roared trying to lure it away from the village. The stupid thing did exactly that, following the sound of the Black. Once in a clearing Keith viciously lunged for a jugular hold, ripping at the neck of the beast, sparks beginning to blind him as he continued. He could feel his lion being squeezed by the tentacles but he still continued gnawing at its neck, working his way deeper and deeper. Eventually severing its head completely, the thing fell to the ground. Squid gore hanging from the Black's mouth, it let out a triumphant growl. "Calamari anyone?" Keith sneered. He then keyed his com. "One more down. How's everyone holding up?"

Hunk chirped in. "We've got this one pinned in a ravine. He seems to be weakening."

"Good, keep on him."


"Keith we're not denting this guy. He has destroyed much of the town."

"Just hold on, help's on the way. Coran?"

"We're just managing to keep them at bay."

"He's down Keith!" Lance barked.

"Good, you two head for the castle I'll join the others."

"Yes sir!"

Keith arrived at the scene finding the Green paralyzed, being shocked, wrapped in some sort of energy netting and the Blue cutting him free with her knife. Using the distraction Keith hit it from behind, grabbing into its shoulder. The beast let loose a violent electrical blast shooting into the Black and down the net into the other two. Keith heard the screams of his teammates as they took the hit. He pulled free lunging at the hand holding the net and ripped the net free. The Green and Blue fell to the ground unmoving. "Princess, Pidge can you hear me?" He could hear them both groaning. Dodging the beast's attacks he pulled up a quick diagnostic. Listen you two if you can hear me shut down everything and do a full system restart!"

"Yes Keith!" Allura wearily replied.

"Then back off do you hear me? The Black can take his blasts but you two can't. Stay clear."

"No, Let us help." Allura cried.

"No! Go help the others at the castle."

"No Keith we can't leave you."

"That's an order Princess."

"Yes Sir!" She complied, but her voice was tinged with anger.

Seeing the other two launch and move away Keith's eyes narrowed in on his target. "Okay Sparky, show me what you got!" Keith launched his Lion right at it raking the beast with his claws, electrical jolts jumping from it and The Blacks eye's glowing with every shock. "Gonna have to do better than that my friend. You're just chargin' my batteries!" The eel beast's tail then swung around hitting the Black hard upside the body knocking it to the ground shaking Keith up a bit inside. "Ion Knife!" Keith bellowed springing the Black to its feet and in one deft move severed the tail. "Try that again slime ball!" But to Keith's horror the tail just began to regenerate. The eel beast turned on him again "Shit!" The Robeast grabbed the black lion in its claws and launched into the air. Keith's
Lion's jaws bit down hard on one of the arms that was holding him as electrical jolts kept shooting from it. "Yeah buddy, keep on shocking me. You've got to run out of juice sometime!"

"So heroic!" Lotor's voice filled his cabin. "Taking on the big bad monster all by yourself. You are so predictable."

"Merry Christmas to you too, Blue Boy."

"So you like my present then? A little something for each of you and one extra for good measure. I must say, I do like yours the best. The others were more last minute rush jobs the appetizers. But this one…" He laughed. "I hope you enjoy your last day on Arus, Captain."

Keith tuned him out, now almost free of Arus's atmosphere. He bit harder into the beast's arm, its tail coming around again for another strike. At the last minute Keith let go spinning around and caught the tail in his jaws, the tail's inertia breaking him free of the arms. He held on tight as he turned and rocketed full force back down to the surface, Robeast in tow, targeting a desolate rocky region. It was taking every bit of his focus to not succumb to the g-forces now upon his body. The Robeast too was suffering from the speed, unable to break free. Faster and faster they descended, Keith barely hanging on to the edge of consciousness the ground quickly approaching. Keith kept his eyes pinned on the altimeter 2000…1500…1000 he let go and pulled up with all his will. The Robeast smashed into the rocks below, as the Black only managing to pull up partially, skidded along the ground, thankfully eating up his momentum, eventually plowing into a berm. Keith slowly shook off the impact and got the Black back on his feet.

Lotor's laugh rung out again. "Very impressive Captain. Very impressive." The laughter continued.

"Captain?" Coran's voice chirped in. "Are you alright?"

Keith shook his head. "Yeah, can you get any readings from that thing?" Keith's mind was sill hazy, as he keyed up an image of the other fight. The two Robeasts were still moving but barely. It looked just like four cats playing with their food. He keyed his com to them. "How are you all holding up?"

"Clam Face is going down!" Lance announced.

"Hey, you think there's a pearl in there?" Allura asked.

"Let's find out." Hunk grabbed Robeast ripping its head clean off and droped it to the ground. "Nope. No pearl." Pidge and Lance cheered.

"You guys are sick!" Allura gaged through her giggling. They then turned their attention to the other beast.

Keith shook his head at them smiling. Quickly his attention turned to where the remains of the eel beast lay. A curious dark cloud had started to grow overhead. "Coran? Anything yet?"

"There was a strange energy reading… hold on…"

The cloud was rapidly growing darker and denser. "Coran do you see that?"

"Sorry Keith, see what?"

"A storm cloud, just over me."

"A storm cloud? Keith, are you sure you're alright?"

"Wait, the energy signal is…"

Suddenly there was a blinding flash as a bolt of lightning struck, causing the ground to quake under the Black. "Crap! Coran I need those readings!" But all Keith got back was static as the lightning bolts continued to rain down around him. Then before him a small crystal rose up from the ground glowing brightly acting as a lightning rod calling the bolts to it. "Not good… Not good." Soon it started to pulsate and around it re-grew the Robeast that was there before only bigger, twice the size as the last, and twice as ugly, lightning raining down all around. Keith's com was useless surrounded by all the static. "Princess, if you can hear me, this thing is back and worse than before. Everyone must stay out of range, do you understand?"

'Keith.' Her voice replied in his head. 'Keith, be careful.' Just then a lighting bolt shot from the Robeast's hand, the Black taking the hit directly, his eyes flashing bright he let out a roar of delight.

"Alright Eel boy, wanna play?" Keith launched at it letting loose a barrage of missiles then careening into its head knocking it down. He quickly put distance between them his com coming back to life.

Lance's voice came in. "Keith what's going on. We can barely read a thing over there. Allura said…"

"Stay out of range, that's an order!" Keith barked

Hunk chirped. "Keith let us help."

"You can't. This thing will fry you!"

Lance chimed in. "What about Voltron?"

"No good, same result. Coran I need that info on those readings!"

"Sending it now."

"Perfect!" Keith read his screen now knowing the energy signature to home in on. He scanned for it and there it was, the crystal at the center of the Robeast. Keith looked up from his screen to see the cloud growing darker, the lightning strikes continuing to rain down and with each strike the Robeast grew larger. Tentacles were beginning to bud and grow from its torso, growing longer and longer, static shooting out from every one. "Alright, listen up team. Whatever you do stay out of range. Use only your distance weapons. Do you understand? While you're distracting him, I'll go in and try to hit his power source. Got it?"

"Yes sir!" They all reply.

"Good luck team!" Keith launched rocketing up into the air while the others surrounded the Robeast firing missiles into it from all sides. Keith reached the height needed, flipped his lion over and straight back down again reaching breakneck speed. If he could go fast enough the thing wouldn't see him coming and wouldn't block the shot. Faster and faster the Black descended soon leveling out, hugging the terrain to hide his approach. Faster and faster, only a few seconds now. He twisted and flipped lining up the shot as he passed, pulling the trigger, the laser blast shot clear through the beast only grazing his crystal target. The beast whirled on him only but was only able to graze the Black, but at the speed he was going it was enough to send him into the ground. The Black skidded across the ground smashing into a huge bolder.

"Keith, Keith are you there?" Allura called.

He could hear her voice but couldn't see anything. "Princess stay back!"

"No Keith you're hurt, if I could…"

"No Princess stay back!"

He fought to gain control of the lion, instinctively getting it to its feet, while still blinded. He shook his head as his vision slowly began clearing. As his blood circulation was returning to normal a blurry scene played out before him. The beast was approaching him with a giant boulder raised above its head ready to smash down upon the Black.

Keith was still too hazy to react in time. Suddenly he felt himself being lifted from the ground. Not sure if his mind was just playing tricks he glanced to his screens to see sensors agreeing with his body. He was being lifted off the ground, rising up to the heavens. He then heard the most angelic voice in his throbbing head. 'I've got you now, my love.'

"A…Allura?" Your love? He tried to focus but everything was double. The feeling of shooting up into the air the only thing he was truly aware of. Suddenly a gut-wrenching scream shrieked out in his head and in his com all at once as a blinding flash surrounded him, then darkness and silence.

He was suddenly wide awake and alert. His eyes adjusted and to his horror he saw the Blue wrapped in some sort of energy field, being electrocuted. "Allura!" The beast seeing the Black lion moving towards it let go of the blue to focus on his primary target and shot the electrical net at the Black.

The Blue lion started to fall. "Allura! Allura wake up! You have to reset! Allura!" Keith was stuck in the beam. It was not hurting him but he couldn't break free. "Noooo…Allura!" He saw the other three lions racing to intercept her fall. The Robeast then seeing a unique opportunity of having them all in range, let go of the Black and dove downwards and let loose an electrical blast straight down bellow him, the blast slamming on to all the lions bellow, all at once, effectively shorting out all their circuits and stunning the pilots the Lions falling where they were. Keith dove as fast as he could but couldn't make it in time and he watched in horror as the Blue hit hard into the rocky ground beneath him, pieces of it shattering on impact. A huge explosion of fire, dust, and debris engulfed her, exploding outward in all directions from the sheer inertia of the impact.

The Black sending sonic boom after sonic boom continued to dive, now only seeing the beast and in it, the crystal. At the last second of his dive Keith pulled up and flipped lining up his shot, his laser hitting cleanly into the beast's belly and into the center of its energy source. Lines of electricity radiated out along the creature's body opening up into fissures which grew wider and wider then it finally exploded into a million pieces. The cracked crystal at its center hovered blindingly bright for a few moments then imploded in on itself, shattering to dust.

Keith struggled again to get the Black to its feet, leaping into the air, the dust slowly settling. On approach to his horror he saw a huge crater and the smashed up Blue Lion laying in a heap at its center. "Allura?" He landed quickly, the Black standing over the crumpled Blue in a protective stance. Quickly exiting his lion he lept down to hers, having to pry open the door with a piece of wreckage. He made his way into the cockpit, pulling pieces of torn twisted metal out of his way, cutting his hand and arm deeply in the process to reach her. She was barely conscious and covered in blood. He leaned over her assessing her injuries afraid to move her.

She looked up to him and met his eyes. "Keith, did we win?"

"Yes Princess, we won. Hold on okay. Help is coming."

"I'm sorry Keith I had to help you."

"Shh, Princess save your strength."

"Keith, did we win?"

"Yes Princess." He carefully pulled debris off of her.

"I love you Keith."


"I fell in love with you the first moment I saw you."

"Ally, please save your strength."

"Keith, did we win?"

"Yes Princess, we won." Sparks started to shoot out from the control panel.

"Kiss me."


"Kiss me."

"Quiet save your strength."

"Keith please, kiss me."

"Ally?" Tears were shimmering in his eyes as he leaned over and kissed her tenderly on her lips. Ice cold lips. He tried not to cry.

"Keith, did we win?"

"Yes Princess, we won."

"I love you Keith"

He tried to smile at her but he couldn't. Black smoke was beginning to fill the cockpit.

She groggily looked to him. "Kiss me…Keith" Her eyes looked slowly around. "Did we win?"

"Yes Princess, we won." Keith continued to fight back his tears.

Her voice was growing softer. "Keith, did we win?"

He stroked her face. "Yes my love…"

She fell unconscious and the link that their minds shared severed. The link that only last night he had become so aware of, that had been there for years. The link that was a constant buzz in the back of his mind was suddenly silenced now painfully quiet. She was gone.

The thick black smoke was descending down as flames began to flicker from the console. He carefully cradled her body to him, careful not to move her too much and made his way out of the Lion. Climbing out and onto its nose he fell to his knees, black sooty smoke now pouring from the hatch. He clutched her limp form to him, the other three lions now approaching. Off in the distance on a bluff he saw Lotor's ship and the man he calls enemy on his knees beside it. He screamed out to him. "Is this what you wanted Lotor? Does this make you happy?" He then collapsed, unconscious on top of her.

Doctor Gorma entered the waiting room where everyone had gathered. Sitting waiting were Hunk, Pidge, Coran, Orla and Nanny, Lance was pacing the floor unable to sit still while Keith stood off to the side separate from the group, leaning up against a far wall, staring at the floor. The group were all quiet and sullen as Doctor Gorma cleared his throat. "She's out of eminent danger. We've managed to stop the bleeding and her wounds are all healing well." Everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief except Keith who remained looking lost. The Doctor drops his eyes.

Keith then turned to the doctor. "She's not going to wake up is she?" Everyone's eyes flashed to Keith in horror at what he just said, but he didn't react. They all turned to the Doctor.

He took a deep breath. "She has suffered a severe brain trauma. Only time will tell. I have seen people come out of worse."

"Can we see her?" Pidge cried.

Doctor Gorma smiled. "Yes, I think that would be good for her." He led them into the room, sounds of the beeping and whirring of computers and machines greeted their ears. Orla quickly moved to her niece's side grabbing her hand. Lance, Hunk, and Pidge moved to her other side. Coran stood at the foot of the bed with Nanny but Keith remained standing outside the door, unable to look in.

"Please talk to her. We need her to want to come back. I have to go check on my other patients now." The doctor turned to leave the room. "Please keep her spirits up."

Nanny folded over onto the bed grabbing Allura's feet. "My baby! My poor baby!" She wailed. "Princess wake up. You have studying to do! You have a party in two days! There's a Prince coming to visit you in a week!" Nanny sobbed. Then she started hitting the bed. "Why didn't you listen to me? Princess? Why? Why did you have to be one of them?" She began hitting the bed harder, lost in hysterics. Coran grabbed her arms and pulled her away spinning her around and out of the room landing her face to face with Keith. "You!" She slapped him hard across the face. He barely seemed to notice as a red welt began to appear. "How could you do this to her! You brought her to this! Another commander would have never let a civilian, yet alone a princess, fly in combat!" She hit him again across the face. "Answer for yourself! Do you see her in there? That is because of you and your ineptitude at command. You are despicable!" She swung again but this time Coran grabbed her hand before it could connect. She wheeled on Coran. "Come Coran, you've said it yourself! You never thought she should be a pilot and that he was out of line by having the Princess fly. Go on deny it! You think he's a screw up too."

"Nanny please, this is not the time…"

"Oh shut up Coran! It never was the right time or place for you. You should have intervened long ago. You despise him for letting her fly. Don't deny it now."

Coran looked to Keith, who looked completely lost. "I…I…did at one time, but now…"

"Now? Now she is lying in a coma!" Nanny ripped free of Coran, winding up and belted an un-reacting Keith as hard as she could across the jaw sending him into the wall and onto the floor. She then let loose a vicious kick to his bandaged wrist. A snap echoed through the room. "If you killed my baby so help me, I'll kill you!"

Coran again pulled her off him. "Nanny that's quite enough!" He spirited her out of the room. The others who were peaking out the door in stunned amazement regard their captain sitting in a heap on the floor seemingly unaware of the beating he just received or the trail of blood now pouring out of his mouth, from his bandaged head and bright crimson now soaking his bound wrist. All they could hear is his softly muttered words. "She's gone…It's all my fault…It's all my…"

Lance cautiously made his way over to Keith, squatting down in front of him. "Somebody better get the doctor." He put a hand to Keith's jaw, which was already swelling, lip split open. "Keith why did you let her hit you like that?" But Keith didn't answer him, as glazed expression washed over his face. "Keith can you here me?" Still no answer. Lance shook him by the shoulder slightly. "Keith! Snap out of it!"

Keith's eyes slowly focused Lance. "Yeah?" He looked about confused.

"That Nanny sure can pack a wallop, can't she?" Lance stared into Keith's eyes looking for any glimmer of the Keith he knows.

Keith slowly seemed to come to, raising up his bound and bloody wrist in confusion. Suddenly wincing with pain he grabbed at it with his other hand, his eyes going wide in surprise at the blood dripping from it. "What happened?"

Lance sit back a bit. "Nanny."


"What's wrong?" Doctor Gorma approached, squatting down beside them. "How in the… Let me see that." He took Keith's hand carefully unwrapping it. "How did this… Did you fall?"

Lance shook his head. "Hurricane Nanny struck him."

"Well, all of his wounds are torn open again and this is most likely broken to boot." The doctor looked at Keith in disbelief. "Nanny, you say?" Keith looked just as confused. The doctor grabbed Keith's good arm and slowly helped him to his feet. "Come on let's fix you back up."

Hunk and Pidge stayed with Allura. Some time later Lance walked in to join them. "Doc decided to sedate Keith. He's sleeping in the next room. He thinks he just needs some rest. And yes, now along with his mild concussion Nanny broke his wrist."

Hunk's eyes boggled. "It's broken? How long till he can fly?"

"Doc said he got the bones to nit well. If Keith takes it easy tonight he should be able to use it lightly tomorrow and it should be all healed in a couple of days." Hunk and Pidge both let out a sigh of relief. Lance looked at Allura. "Coran has sent for Sven to come a day early, he and Romelle will be here tomorrow morning."

"And the Blue?" Pidge asked.

"Being repaired now, Should be up and running soon. How's she doing?"

Pidge smiled. "We've been talking to her about the party plans."

Hunk joined in. "Yeah. It's going to be the best Christmas party ever."

"You guys need a break. Go get something to eat. I'll sit a bit." The two half smiled and headed out leaving Lance and Allura alone. Lance looked down at her taking her hand in his, trying to ignore all the machines. "Allura? It's Lance. How you doing? The Blue's getting all fixed up for you, even a new coat of paint." He dropped his eyes a moment. "You've got to wake up Allura. Listen, Keith is really out of it, a complete basket case. And I know why. You see Allura, I know he'll never admit it to you, but you should know… well he's…he's…Alright, fine I'll just say it…He's in love with you. There it's out. Don't ask me how I know, I just do. It's something in how he looks at you, something in his eyes. Allura, I've known him for almost as long as anyone and I've never seen him look at anyone the way he looks at you. He loves you and… well, you're everything to him… If you don't come back…" He leaned in and whispered to her. "Allura, do you love him? I think you do. I've seen that same look in your eyes." He leaned back again. "I think Nanny feels it too and that's why she went so ballistic on Keith. I think she's going to try to get rid of him because of it. So you see you have to wake up to stop her. Then you've got to get that stupid oaf to admit his feelings. Then you two could…well you could…" Lance grinned, leaning back into her ear he whispered. "Get to know each other better." Lance laughed. "Yep, that's what you two need." Lance looked down for a moment then back to Allura. "Just rest now Allura. Rest and get better."

Keith slowly woke up sitting up in bed trying to shake the cobwebs out of his head, suddenly overwhelmed by a shooting pain in his wrist that snaps him fully awake. His eyes focused in the darkness and he then recognized he was in a hospital room. Checking the time he saw that they let him sleep all day. He slid off the bed finding his uniform laying over a chair and pulled it on. He then quietly made his way down the hall and was drawn to a light glowing from a cracked door. He softly approached, peering inside.

In the office sat Doctor Gorma in teleconference with two other doctors. Keith slumped wearily down to the floor and listened intently.

A voice came from his computer. "You really shouldn't give them so much hope. Giving them an unrealistic diagnosis just makes it harder later. You need to tell them the truth."

Gorma sighed. "I can't, She is their guiding force. If they believe she will never come out of this they will loose hope. No, I must hold on to the possibility that she will wake."

"Doctor, you're only fooling yourself." Another voice chimed in. Even if by some miracle she wakes up, her brain is dead. She'll just be a vegetable."

"Yes I know." Gorma sighed. "But she would be alive and that at least would be something for her people to hold on too."

"Gorma, we're doctors, not magicians. What you're thinking just won't happen. Her body will soon catch up with her mind. Let her go in peace and don't postpone the inevitable. Your princess is dead."

Gorma let out a huge sigh. "I know…I know. Thank you both for your help. Goodnight."

"Goodnight my friend. I am truly sorry." The transmission switched off.

Keith sat on the floor of the hall hearing those words over and over again. Your princess is dead…Your princess is dead. Words he knew were the truth the moment she fell unconscious and the awareness of her in his head was extinguished. His Allura was gone. He dropped his head, I'm so sorry, Ally.

He slowly got to his feet and mechanically headed for her room, peering in the door as all the machines greeted his ears. He saw Queen Orla sitting next to her holding her hand. She didn't look up to him but knew he was there. "Tell me what you know." She asked stroking Allura's cheek. "Is she still with us?"

Keith couldn't answer her, couldn't say the words. He just moved in and sat on the other side of the bed, laying his hand on Allura's arm, avoiding looking at either of them.

Orla reached across and grabbed his hand startling him. "Keith your souls are one. Don't you know that? You're each half of the same whole. That's what happened last night at the wedding, your united souls danced." She pulled his hand over placing it on Allura's. "Keith, I have never felt anything more glorious than what I felt coming from the two of you last night. Don't deny yourself that. You're meant to be together. Call to her. Talk to her. You can reach her. Lance told me how you two were able to talk in the Lions. Come, you have to feel her struggling to come back. Reach out to her."

Keith's whole body started to shake and he folded over onto the bed burying himself into the sheets, clutching at Allura. "She's gone…" He whimpered. "I let her die…"

Orla put a comforting hand on his head. "Keith, She's not dead she's…" Orla suddenly froze. "Keith you do feel her don't you?" She pulled her hand away. "Keith?" Orla pulled back, stumbling to her feet, knocking over her chair in the process. She slowly backed her way out of the room her hands clutching at her mouth. She stood watching Keith who was now completely oblivious to her, buried into Allura, grabbing at her nieces limp form as he grieved. "No! Oh God no!"

It was six in the morning and Keith was in the simulator. Using the Black's computer, he has set it to recreate the events of the battle yesterday and he had been in there for hours.

Lance, Hunk, and Pidge approached and watched the observation screen as Keith managed to spin and flip avoiding the oncoming attacks, flipping into a corkscrew dive and deftly making the shot he missed yesterday. "Holy shit, how'd he do that?" Lance muttered. The simulator reset and the pattern began again.

Pidge points to the timer on the screen. "There's your answer, he's been in there since two."

"Two! This isn't good." Lance cautiously moved into the simulator behind Keith and put a hand on his shoulder. "Keith stop. You've been in here for four hours. You need to rest. Your arm won't heal if you don't rest it."

"No! I've got to get better."

"Keith, you're not going to get better if you can't use your arm."

"I'm staying. I'm not stopping until I make this hit constantly."

"This is all about yesterday, isn't it?"

"I failed her. I failed Arus."

"Damn it Keith! You connected on your second attempt! Hell, no one should have been able to make that shot yesterday."

"I should have." Keith lead the simulator into a corkscrew dive.

"Keith, will you give it up already. You're only human, not a machine."

"I should have gotten that shot." Just then Keith let loose a single blast cleanly hitting his target.

"Are you even listening to me? … Keith? Damn it Keith let it go! It's not your fault." Keith ignored Lance, resetting the program for the thousandth time. Lance let out a groan and exited the simulator. "This isn't good my friends. Let's give him some space."

"It's bad enough it's almost Christmas, now with the Princess hurt…" Hunk's voice trailed off.

"Lance?" Pidge looked at the floor. "Is he…going to be okay?"

"I hope so Pidge."

Sven and Romelle's transport arrived from Pollux. What should have been a happy welcome was instead a tearful one. The two made their way immediately to see Allura.

Entering the room they found Nanny and Orla holding watch as Doctor Gorma worked on Allura. He smiled wearily at them. "It is good to see you. Her body has healed enough to function on its own." He continued to remove the last of the equipment from her body leaving just the bracelet which sent out her life sign readings and administered her medications. "Please talk to her, let her know you're here."

Romelle approached her cousin's side. "Allura, it's Romelle. Sven's here too. We brought you your Christmas present, so you better wake up so you can open it."

Sven took Allura's hand. "Yes Allura, you can't miss your own party."

The two sat with her awhile telling her of the presents they collected on Pollux for the children on Arus as Nanny sat off to the side, glowering at Sven the whole while. Sven caught glimpses of her from time to time but tried to ignore it.

Nanny slowly began to fidget in her seat, growing more and more agitated. Orla seeing it, placed a calming hand on her shoulder but to no effect. With a sudden jerk Nanny finally exploded. "You have a lot of nerve!"

Sven and Romelle turned to Nanny looking stunned.

Nanny leapt to her feet brandishing a fist at Sven. "If you hadn't left none of this would have happened!"

"Nanny!" Romelle moved between them. "Sven didn't have a choice!"

"Between you and that screw up commander, it's a wonder any of us are still here!"

The doctor burst back into the room, spinning Nanny around to face him. "Nanny! I cannot have this kind of attitude around the Princess. This bickering has to end!"

Nanny broke free pushing Romelle aside and stepped in nose to nose with Sven. "Then get these so called men away from her!"

Romelle turned fire red. "Oh no you don't, lady!" And pushed Nanny forcefully back, again getting between Nanny and Sven. "I heard what you did to Keith and you're not…"

Nanny turned on Romelle." If you so much as mention his name in my or Allura's presence…" she grabbed Romelle's jaw.

"That's enough!" The doctor bellowed. Trying to pry Nanny from Romelle but he couldn't budge her.

Sven stepped in pushing the doctor aside and grabbed Nanny's wrist, using a pressure point to tear it free of Romelle. He twisted her into a painful arm lock, his eyes flashing cold, he spoke calmly into her ear. "Never threaten Romelle. Do you understand me?"

Nanny growled and tried to move but any way she shifted stabbing pain would shoot up her arm.

The doctor glared at Nanny. "Nanny, I am going to have to ban you from seeing Allura. She needs to be surrounded with love, not fighting. Now go! Or do I have to call security and have you confined to your room."

Nanny struggled a moment longer then quieted.

Sven released his hold but glared at her at the ready to grab her again.

Nanny stared at him then, straightening her apron, she stormed out of the room.

Keith, dressed in his usual red with a warm red jacket over the top held his now throbbing arm close to him as he wandered aimlessly around the castle. Everyone was giving him a wide berth. Somehow he had managed to end up in front of Allura's door. He stood there for the longest time just looking at it. He never realized it before, how he used to be able to feel her presence but now there was nothing. It was like a radio that was playing in the background for so long was suddenly switched off and now all he heard was a deafening silence.

How many times had he walked past this door before at peace in knowing she was safe inside, yet also curious about what she was doing in there? What did she do to occupy her spare time? He let go of his aching arm to run his good hand over the door. How many times did he imagine sharing this room with her? He bit his lip as his nose started to tingle. Countless times. He was finally beginning to acknowledge his thoughts, his fantasies, safe to do so now that they were all impossible dreams, dreams of being with her could only be fantasy now.

Feeling a sudden need, he reached over and punched his code into the door panel and it swished open in front of him. The room loomed empty before him, her private sanctuary. A room he had only ever stepped in on a few occasions and then only for security reasons. He reverently stepped inside, the door closing behind him. There, dominating the room, stood a large Christmas tree, covered in tinsel and ribbons, the sent of pine almost overpowering him. He started to feel that churning in his gut yet again. He turned away from it and walked over to her bed, not a pillow out of place, everything perfect. He had to smile at that. She really was as regimented as he in many ways. He sat down upon the bed glancing around. At the foot of it he saw in the cubby there, several books. He ran his fingers along their spines pulling one out. He recognized it immediately. It was the book he gave her on hand-to-hand combat. He tossed it down violently, yet another reminder that it was he who taught her to fight.

The tears started to come again. He stood up and moved to her closet pulling open the doors. There hanging before him was one of her trademark pink dresses. He reached up, pulling it down to him, ignoring the ache of his protesting arm to caress the silky soft fabric in his hands. He turned around collapsing back into the closet, sitting perched on its raised floor surrounding himself in her, her sent, her clothes. He clutched her gown to him, burying his face into the delicate fabric, rocking to and fro and letting his grief fully overtake him. He was hearing Nanny's words in his head over and over again. How could you do this to her! You brought her to this! Another commander would have never let a civilian, let alone a princess, fly in combat! This is because of you and your ineptitude at command. You are despicable! A screw up! It was all true. All the choices he made brought her to this. It was all his fault. He pulled out a bottle of wine from his coat that he had already polished off half of, up-ending it, attempting to numb his pain even more.

It was then the dinner hour and everyone has gone to take their meal together, hoping to gain support from one another, yet hardly a word was spoken. Everyone was present at the meal except the captain and no one asked why.

With everyone at dinner, Keith went to see Allura, knowing he could now be alone with her. He approached the hospital room and slowly pushed open the door moving inside. His eyes landed on the form lying quietly on the bed. The machines had all been removed. She looked as if she could just be sleeping, but he knew the truth of it was much worse. Her body was mostly healed from its wounds. Doctor Gorma was truly a miracle man, able to mend all her injuries with the technology at his disposal. The healing process that would have naturally taken months only took days. The doctor could work miracles, miracles on the body, but not for the mind. As advanced as medicine was, the human brain still remained much of a wonder.

Keith swallowed hard and approached the bed standing there for the longest time, taking in her lifeless beauty as she laid there. He cautiously reached out a finger from his bound hand to touch her. He ran it along the back of her hand. "Princess?" He looked at her face, a face that didn't react. He moved to sit on the side of her bed again swallowing hard. He reached the same finger up to trace the lines of her face. "I'm sorry I did this to you, Princess. It's all my fault." He dropped his head down to her chest, one hand reaching into her hair, the other clutching at her shoulder. "I'm sorry my Princess…I'm so sorry I… I should have listened to them. I should have…" His shoulders started to shake as the tears welled up inside him. "Why did I let you fly? Why did I teach you to fight?" His tears burst forth and his racked sobs filled the room. "I'm sorry for everything. I've failed you. I failed Arus. I'm not fit for command. I'm no good for you or Arus. "If only I could have been stronger, done things by the book…If only I… I…" His whole body shook. "Why did I let myself care? …" He started to rock. "Everyone's gone…everyone…"

He was so lost in his grief he didn't notice Orla come to the door of the room behind him. He just continued to shake and sob. Eventually he sat up, his face red and soaked with tears. He clutched his fists in front of him. "Everyone's gone… everyone I've ever loved is gone and now … now you. Everyone's gone." He leaned in over her. "God, Ally why did I let myself fall in love with you?" He clutched at her face. "It's all my fault! I'm weak! I'm stupid. I shouldn't have allowed this. I… Oh Ally." He leaned over desperately kissing her unresponsive lips. "What have I done to you?"

Orla wanted to move in to comfort him but she stopped herself, hanging back at the door.

He kissed her again, frantically trying to get any response, but there was nothing. He sat up tenderly wiping his tears from her face. "You deserved so much more than this…so much more than a failure like me. I failed everyone, everyone I've loved. I failed my sisters, I failed my parents, they're all dead because I didn't run and now… now I failed you, and you're... " He crumpled on top of her grabbing at her gown. "Please Ally, don't go…Arus needs you. You can't go. You're more important to Arus than anything. More important than Voltron… More important than me." He moved up to her face, grabbing either side of it hovering over her. "Why did I let this happen to you?" He looked up glaring at the ceiling. "Why did this have to happen? Why her? This is my life, my cursed life, not hers. Not again… You did this because of me!" He crumpled back down on top of her. "I'm sorry Ally. I made you die. I made you die." He cried out as his sobs overtook him. His lips again found hers, but this time he kissed her with all the tenderness and love he had for her. Slowly he sat up. "I can't stop loving you, Ally. I've tried. God knows I've tried. I've tried to pretend it was nothing, just a crush, just an infatuation. I've never felt more for anyone. I've loved you from the first moment I met you and denied it every moment since… It's so quiet now… so quiet…I can't hear you any more… I can't feel you anymore." He kissed her again. "I can't deal with it. Now that you're gone, I know I can't be without you. " He sat up running a hand along her face. "Goodbye Ally." He took her hand as he slowly got up to his feet. Raising it to his lips, he softly kissed it, lingering there for a time then reverently set it back down. "Goodbye my love."

Orla quickly moved from the door darting into a side room so as not to be discovered as Keith still trembling and sniffling, left Allura's room.

That night after dinner Coran had gathered everyone to the rec room to discuss his concerns about Keith. Hunk, Pidge, Lance, and Romelle were all huddled together on the sofa while Coran and Sven remained standing. Coran regarded the large Christmas tree gleaming brightly, dominating the room, and then moved to sit on the arm of a large chair facing the sofa. "Now with Allura injured we need everyone to be strong. Yet Keith, the one who is the most reliable, has become completely irrational. It was bad enough before she was hurt but now… I would appreciate any insight you could give me in regards to our captain and his state of mind. Is he fit to command? He hasn't been himself at all lately and since the princess's injury he seems to have gone over the edge. We all know of the strong bond that has grown between the two of them, but there's something else."

Sven moved to the window and stared out blankly as Lance watched him a moment then looked over at the tree. "Christmas." He muttered.

Coran sat up taller. "Lance?"

"Keith hates Christmas. As long as I've known him he's hated it. Even back at the academy. He didn't have a family to go home to. He was always welcome to go with us on holiday, but he never did. He always spent Christmas alone. Never explained why."

"I know why." Sven's voice was low as he still looked out the window reaching a hand up to touch the cold glass.

"Sven?" Lance looked at him curiously.

"I never told you guys because… well it was just to dark a secret to spread around. I couldn't do that to him." Sven stayed staring out the window. "Remember that last year at the academy when the gang went to Aspen the week before Christmas and I couldn't get home because of bad weather? All the flights to Europe were canceled?" Lance nodded, remembering the day. Sven continued. "I flew back to the academy instead. I went back to the dorm to find it deserted, Christmas Eve and everyone had else had gone home. When I reached our room the sight that I saw is still burnt in my mind. Keith, half conscious, sitting hunkered over on the sofa, drunk out of his mind, sobbing."

"What! Keith?" Lance shook his head to clear his ears. "Keith drunk? Keith hardly ever drinks!"

Everyone sat in shock exchanging confused looks. Sven walked over and sat down with them. "Let me explain." He took a deep breath. "That night at the academy I found out a lot about Keith. He confided a lot in me that night. And to this day I don't think he remembers a thing. You see… he hates Christmas because…well, when he was little his family was murdered at Christmas time."

"No!" Romelle cried out quickly moving to Sven's side snuggling against him. "How horrible I… I knew they were dead, but murdered?"

Sven put his arm around her pulling her in close. "It's worse than that. He thinks in some twisted way, that he caused their deaths, that his actions killed them."

Romelle began to tear up. "Sven, how do you know?"

"He told me. He sat sobbing, twisting a red bow in his hands as he told me how Christmas was his mother's favorite holiday and how she always went all out. You see, they lived on a military base. She did so much for all the kids on the base whose parents were off on missions and couldn't be there. She would host a huge party every Christmas Eve and invite everyone. For Keith it was the happiest time of the year. Often his father would make it back and they could be together. Then one year it all ended. His father's and mother's past caught up with them. They had to run in the middle of the night. Keith and his baby twin sisters were spirited away by his parents."

"Keith had sisters?" Hunk's eyes shimmered.

Sven nodded. "When trying to escape they were overtaken in the woods. Keith said he didn't listen to his parents and that's why his sisters were shot."

"What!" Romelle cried. "Keith's sisters were shot!"

"Yes." Sven turned to her holding her tighter. "Murdered right before his eyes and he thinks it's because of him."

Coran rubbed his chin, eyes also tearing up. "How could a little boy be responsible?"

Sven shook his head. "I don't know. But that is what he believes." Sven sighed. "It gets worse." He dropped his head. "Keith's mother was abducted in all the confusion...In one night he lost his sisters and his mother."

Romelle clutched at Sven. "But she was still alive wasn't she?"

"A few days later Keith's father left to rescue her…never to return…" Sven grew silent for a moment then quickly stood moving to the tree. He picked at some of the needles. "Keith was told a few days later, on Christmas Eve that they were dead. Ever since then, Christmas has only reminded him of his loss."

Lance dropped his eyes. "Now with Allura in a coma that's put him over the edge. You all do realize how much she means to him. And now he blames himself for that, too."

Hunk wiped his face. "Yeah, no wonder he's a basket case."

Coran looked at them confused. "I'm not sure I understand. You think he really blames himself for Allura's injuries? Nanny was way out of line accusing him like that."

Lance shook his head. "We all know that, but Keith, he truly feels responsible. It was his command."

Romelle wiped her face. "Just like he feels about his family?"

Coran, swallowing back his own tears, sat up straight. "I think we should relieve him of duty immediately."

"No!" They all collectively exclaimed. Lance leapt to his feet. "No Coran, if you take his work away from him, what does he have left? Nothing! Please don't do this! And with the Blue now repaired we need five pilots."

"He has proven himself to be quite distressed. I can't risk it."

Lance glowered. "Come on Coran. When has he ever done anything unsuitable while in command?"

Coran dropped his head. "Never." He sat quiet in thought when his com beeped. He took a moment to collect himself before lifting it to his ear and answering. "Yes…Orla what's wrong? You're crying, is Allura?" Everyone stiffened up. "Oh thank God. What is it then?" Everyone in the room relaxed a bit. Coran's face dropped and then turns ashen as he turned off the com.

"What is it, Coran?" Lance's brow furrowed.

Coran took a moment to answer. "Orla thinks Keith is…is…"

"Is what!" Hunk barked.

"She thinks Keith is…is going to… Come! To control, quickly!" Coran leapt up and rushed out of the room, the others quickly following.

They all soon entered control everyone still confused. Coran raced to the computer punching in the code for Keith's com. No answer. It was turned off. Coran slammed his fist down on the console. "Damn it Keith! What are you thinking? Where are you son?" He started searching for its tracking signal. Getting a fix he saw the location and started to shake. "No, Keith no!"

Pidge pushed him aside seeing the signal and put the camera's view up on the main viewer. "That's Keith's fix. Anyone see him?"

The camera view was looking down the bridge to the Lion Monument. The darkness and falling snow blocking much of the view.

"There!" Hunk pointed at a shadowy figure. "Zoom in!" The camera zoomed and to everyone's horror they could see the figure emitting Keith's com signal poised perilously at the edge of the bridge, arms outstretched, the icy cold water looming below.

"Quickly! Get to him!" Lance barked. "Sven, get to the Blue! I'll go to the Black. The rest of you get out there fast!" He hit the switch to raise the launch platform.

"Noooooo!" Pidge screamed. "Keith!" He cried out a blood-curdling cry. The others turned to the monitor to see that the figure was gone.

"Switch to infra red!" Lance barked. But there was nothing there. Lance turned to Sven. "Hurry there may be time!" Sven nodded and jumped to the shoot taking him to the Blue. "Hurry!" Lance screamed, racing out of control as the others fell in behind him making their way to the bridge. They soon were at the spot where they last saw him.

"Maybe it wasn't Keith… just shadows…maybe…" Hunk muttered but his eyes soon fell on the footprints left in the snow. Only one person's boots would have made those tracks. Keith's boots. Hunk dropped to his knees placing his hands in the last divots the tracks made. He cried out into the darkness. "Keith! Noooooo!"

On to the next part

Fan Fiction, Moira, Greatest Gift, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, About