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- by Moira

Greatest Gift

1 Why Keith Hates Christmas
2 The Academy Years
3 A Christmas Wedding
4 Keith Loses Everything
5 Keith's Angel

6 Meeting the King
7 Meeting the Queen
8 Awakening
9 The Hunt
10 Time of Reckoning
11 The Dreamtime
12 Christmas Morning
13 Epilogue

About The Greatest Gift

The Greatest Gift A Voltron Christmas Tale
Part Nine
The Hunt

The klaxons were going off all over the castle and Nanny was racing full-out to where she last saw the princess, finding her in the hall. "Come Princess we must find shelter, we're under attack." She tugged at Allura's arm, leading her down the hall.

"Oh Nanny, not again!" Allura cried.

"Make way!" A voice yelled out, giving them just enough time to get out of the way as the Voltron force charged down the hall to the observation deck.

"What's going on?" Allura asked as she started to run down the hall after them.

"Princess, Princess, come back! It's much too dangerous…" Nanny ran after her. I've got to get her into hiding! When she reached Allura she heard a booming voice echoing through the open door of the observation deck. "I am Crown Prince Lotor… son of King Zarkon, the ruler of planet Doom. I come to tell you your planet has only one chance to escape destruction."

Allura reached the doorway as Nanny rushed up behind her, Nanny finally seeing where the voice was coming from. Hovering just outside the window was a lone fighter, a blue-skinned man at the controls, who was suddenly intently staring at Allura, instantly captivated. Nanny panicked. I've got to get her out of here! But Allura was too petrified, too caught in the intruders gaze to notice Nanny's alarm.

"And who are you my pretty?" Lotor asked.

Allura started to shake. "I…I am Princess…Allura. "

"Allura! What the hell are you doing here?" Captain Rick turned on her, "Get her out of here!" He barked at Nanny. "This is no place for a princess!"

"Princess…hmmmm." Lotor smiled at Allura for a moment, consuming her with his eyes. "I have an offer to stop all fighting… to establish peace and cooperation between our planets."

Captain Rick turned back to face Lotor. "I'm listening."

"I ask that one of the Voltron force fight me man to man."

"That's it?" Rick scoffed.

"If man can prove his strength over me, King Zarkon will allow you to live in peace forever. Believe me, Princess, on my oath as a Crown Prince, I speak the truth."

Rick turned back around shooting Allura an angry look. "GO!"

Nanny tried to pull Allura out of the room, but Allura was frozen in fear. All Nanny could do was watch the proceedings.

"Are the Voltron force all cowards? Isn't there a brave one among you?"

"I'll make you eat that!" Rick brandished a fist at Lotor.

"Oh? What do I call you?" Lotor asked.

"I am Rick Jamison, Captain of the Voltron Force!"

"Very well, meet me at once at Devils Canyon and come by yourself."

"Just try and stop me!" Captain Rick yelled back.

Lisa moved closer. "Rick, it's got to be a trap. Are you crazy?"

"Yeah." Hunk added. "He's just trying to get you out in the open.

Shannon stepped up too. "Captain, let me go instead."

"No me." Pidge protested.

"No, I'll go." Rick turned to face his team. "I know his kind, a big spoiled royal pain." He shot Allura another look. "He's just a bunch of royal hot air. I won't be long." He crossed to the door pausing to glare at Nanny. "And will you get her below already! I don't have time to be protecting a damn princess!"

Nanny scowled. Yes, the man had every right to be angry but he shouldn't talk to the Princess that way. "Come Allura, we must go below." She grabbed Allura by the arm finally breaking into Allura's trance and they headed for the shelters deep underneath the castle.

Nanny locked them into one of the underground bunkers several levels below ground. "Come, my Princess." Nanny led Allura to a sofa. "We can watch on the monitors."

"Nanny, I'm so scared. That man… he said he was Zarkon's son. His eyes…his eyes were so…"

"Shhhh, Princess. I'm sure the Captain and the rest of the Voltron Force will keep us safe." Nanny cradled Allura in her arms praying that she was right.

Allura and Nanny continued to sit huddled together on the sofa and watched the video feed from castle control as different views of Arus flashed on the screens.

"Rick, come in." Shannon's voice could be heard on one of the monitors, but there was no response on the other end. Nanny then could see the four pilots running to their chutes. "You see, it won't be long now, Princess." She faked a smile, hoping to comfort the frightened Allura. The view on the main monitor switched and Nanny and Allura were then watching the last few moments of a battle playing out in Devils Canyon, two figures battling it out with only swords came into view. The two locked in a dance of steel, one obviously playing with the other, just drawing out the fight. Oh god no! Nanny thought just as Lotor ended the game and Captain Rick was speared through his heart. Allura let out a blood curdling scream as the body of the Voltron commander slowly fell to the ground, Lotor standing above laughing, the blood dripping from his sword.

Nanny grabbed Allura in her arms shielding her face from the image on the screen. Nanny knew what this meant. Voltron was now lost to them but she dare not tell Allura. Nanny rocked the Princess to quiet her, just like she did when she was a child, but she kept her eyes on the screen. The view changed again and a distant form approached, a giant, a Robeast. As the camera again zoomed in, Nanny recognized the figure… Yurak? Yurak is a Robeast? The Lions converged and an epic battle ensued.

The two sit wrapped around one another as the ground started to shake under them, dust raining down from above. The lights had begun to flash on and off and then darkness. All noises ceased as all the equipment in the castle lost power. It was deathly quiet. "Nanny, Nanny what's happening?" Allura whispered. A few moments passed before the emergency lighting eventually flickered on. They both jumped as the door to the bunker began to grind open sending the two into a sheer panic.

"Princess, we must hurry." Coran's voice could be heard from the other side bringing instant relief. "They're in the castle!"

"Oh no!" Nanny cried. "Come Princess." She led Allura to the door, they squeezed out and began to run down the hall with Coran and two guards. They must reach the tunnels before…

"Stop right there!" A now all to familiar voice called out.

"Run Princess!" Coran yelled.

"Bad advice!" Lotor laughed, leveled his gun and without any hesitation pulled the trigger. Nanny watched in horror as Coran dropped lifeless to the floor, Lotor's men taking down the two castle guards at the same time. Lotor smiled mockingly. "I did say stop." He laughed and slowly walked up to the fallen Coran kicking him aside with his boot.

Nanny shoved Allura, "Run child, run." They both raced down the hall and into the tomb of Alfor, struggling to close the doors as Lotor's maniacal laughter grew louder and louder.

"You can run… but I will find you, my beauty." He called down the hall.

Lotor and his men reached the door well before the women could close it. He smiled into the tomb. "Well now, isn't this cozy."

"You stay back!" Nanny held her fists out in front of her as Allura stumbled backwards, making her way up to the royal crypt.

"Father! Father! Help us!" Allura cried.

Lotor just laughed as he stepped through the door, but before his foot hit the sacred ground a forceful wind kicked up almost blowing him over. He staggered backwards into the hall to regain his balance, lifting his hand up to shield his eyes. When the wind stopped he dropped his hand and brushed his windblown disheveled hair roughly back into place. He looked up to see the ghostly image of King Alfor blocking the doorway. "Ahhhhh, the infamous King Alfor. Hahahahaha!" Lotor took a step forward only to be met by a ghostly hand warding him off.

"You are not welcome here!" The ghost bellowed, wind coming from his mouth as he spoke.

Lotor braced himself against the wind. "And what are you going to do to stop me?" He sneered back.

The ghost grew in size his eyes beginning to glow. He reached out to Lotor, his hand almost at the Prince's neck, when suddenly he yelled out in an ear-shattering, agonizing cry, clutching at his right arm. The arm appeared to shimmer and distort as the ghost of Alfor cradled it.

Lotor laughed. "It appears you are more connected to your precious Lions than I thought." Lotor again stepped forward.

The ghost reached out with its shimmering right arm still clutching at it with his left. "Stop!" He bellowed. But then he dropped to his knees as his left leg buckled beneath him.

Lotor's eyes gleamed as he watched the image of the former king of Arus crumple before him and then slowly dissolve away. He started to laugh, a raucous laugher that sent shivers all through Nanny. "Hahahaha… Oh Princesses, it looks like your father had to go." He continued to laugh as he entered the tomb.

Nanny watched Allura duck behind the crypt and then she herself turned on Lotor, Allura's last defense. "You beast! You have no right to…"

Lotor flashed her his most dashing smile. "I have every right…" He outstretched his arms to the heavens and bellowed. "For I am your new King!" His eyes then landed on the crypt, where he last saw Allura and he purred. "Now…where is my queen?"

"You monster!" Nanny ran at him, fists flying, and started wailing on him. He took several good blows before eventually gaining an upper hand on her, his guards standing around in amusement. He grabbed hold of one of her arms and with a swift twist, ripped it, dislocating the joint completely. Nanny screamed out in agony, cradling her limp arm to her. Lotor then let loose a vicious roundhouse kick, dropping her to the floor.

Lotor stood up straight, rubbed his now swelling jaw and spit out some blood. He smirked. "Now…where is my princess?"

Nanny tried to drag herself up… she had to stop him…but he must have broken her leg with his kick. Her body started to go numb, the pain fading as numbness took over. She tried to scream out a warning but couldn't find the breath, each one coming in shorter and shorter agonizing bursts. All she could do was watch from the ground as his guards moved in around her, all laughing like their master.

Lotor himself was slowly ascending the stairs to Alfor's crypt. "Oh Princess? Princess…?" The guards all laughed.

Nanny's worst imagined hell began to play out before her eyes as Lotor reached the top. He reached down behind the crypt and grabbed hold of a handful of blond hair, dragging Allura out of her hiding space. "Why are you hiding my lovely?" Nanny watched as Lotor pulled the petrified Allura to him. "You are exquisite… hmmmm." Lotor purred as he breathed in the sent of Allura's hair. "You will be my queen." He kissed her full on the mouth, Allura squirming to get free from his firm grasp. He continued to kiss her, consuming her, growing more and more frenzied, spurred on by her attempts to get away and the hoots and hollers of the other men in the room. He was soon flushed and gasping for breath. "You… will be mine, my princess, all mine…"

Nanny couldn't bear to watch. She tried and tried to scream out to Allura. "Fight him! Get away from him! Allura fight!" But nothing came from her lips. She tried again to get up, pain ricocheting through her whole body, but she was halted by a boot to her shoulders forcing her broken body back down to the floor. "My Baby…" Nanny cried, but no one could hear. "My baby!" Her eyes then saw the horror of Allura, being thrown towards Alfor's crypt, her dress being torn and pushed out of the way as she was bent over the crypt itself.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!" Nanny's silent scream rung out only in her head and she forced her eyes shut, trying to close out the hell that was now playing out. But she can't, for as soon as Nanny's own screams faded they were replaced by the tortured screams of Allura and the cheering laughter of the men around her. Screams… laughter…grunts and groans filled Nanny's mind for what felt like an eternity. Even the smell was unbearable torture… Eventually there was silence. A deathly silence. Then… the limp body of her princess was tossed down beside Nanny as the booming voice of Lotor filled the room. "Meet your new Queen! Hahahahaha…."

Nanny slowly woke from her nightmare, the nightmare that has plagued her ever since that day. She walked over to Allura's room opening the door, only to find it empty. Allura never returned. What has that monster done to her now? Nanny collapsed into a chair and began to weep.

Shortly after Nanny's arrival Allura entered the room and rushed up to her. "Nanny? Are you alright?"

"Baby, my baby! Oh what a fright. I thought…" Nanny looked her over closely, inspecting her from head to toe. "You're okay?"

"Nanny, I'm fine. It was…he was that man… one of the off-worlders. Nanny, he…he…"

"Oh my baby!" Nanny looked utterly horrified.

"No Nanny, we just talked….all night…until…"


"Until we fell asleep. Nanny he is a good man, but troubled I can feel it. He he's…"


"Nanny do you think he could be…? Father said a man would come and free me from my pain. Do you think…?"

"Allura, you shouldn't get your hopes up all about some strange off-worlder you don't even know. He is a man, just like the rest of them."

"Nanny do you think he would teach me… teach me how to fight? Like Father said?"

Nanny paled. All her life she has kept Allura away from any sort of fighting and look where that's led her, to her enslavement. Raped and then thrown away. Nanny often wondered what if… What if she had relented and let Allura learn to fight all those years ago. Would it have been different? Could she have gotten away from that fiend?

Allura let out a tired yawn.

"You must still be tired, Princess." She led her to the bed. You get your rest. We can talk later."

Nanny tucked in her princess, giving her a light kiss on the forehead she went to hang up the cloak, checking the pockets but only coming up with empty vials, the blue numbing liquid all consumed. Her shoulders slacked and she sighed heavily as she headed off to acquire some more for her baby, the only thing that has helped Allura survive this life of slavery.

Nanny reached the royal chambers knowing Merla would not be there this time of day. Merla must never know of Allura's blue comfort. She approached a side entrance and knocked twice. A servant opened the door and she was ushered into Lotor's private chambers. She walked into his lounge and there sat Lotor reclining on a large sofa. He smiled slyly. "Good morning, Nanny. And how may I…?"

"You know why I'm here." She could hardly look at the man.

Lotor laughed. "So did my little princess perform well last night?" He laughed again as he stood and walked to a cupboard. Unlocking it, he took out a small box which he shoved at Nanny's good arm. Lotor smiled coyly at Nanny. "Have her come to me tonight after the tournament. Her King wishes it."

"Yes, your Majesty." Nanny bowed and slowly backed away, leaving his chambers. Her whole body shudderd as she heard Lotor's fiendish laughter echoing down the hall.

Nanny made her way along the castle's corridors, clutching the box closely to her breast, Allura's salvation inside. The one thing Lotor provided for her that brought her comfort. If Merla ever found out... Why he does it, Nanny didn't know… was she easer to control drugged or was it guilt over bringing Allura to suicide all those years ago?

Nanny rounded another corner and entered a large central room and she saw him for the first time, the stranger Allura was with. It must be him. Tall, dark-haired, human, clad in red and black with a crowd of warriors gathered neer him. She found a quiet corner to hide in and watched. The man was quite regal in his bearing. Could he be royalty?

"My Lord" A soldier entered and the man turned to him. "Lotor sends word he wishes for you to join him on his hunt today."

The other warriors all gasped for Lotor rarely took anyone on his hunts. It was a true honor indeed. They all started mumbling and muttering, several looking quite perturbed. The stranger turned to the messenger. "I accept the invitation." He gracefully bowed.

At that Nanny gasped… A Lord… and with manners to boot. And, he has Lotor's ear. Maybe just maybe… He might just be the one the late Alfor spoke of to Allura in her dreams. Nanny slowly made her way through the crowd, walking right up to him and bumped into him slightly. She looked into his eyes with hers and gestured for him to follow her, which he hesitantly did.

Al said Lotor would be inviting him on this hunt so Keith accepted without much thought. He just wanted this nightmare to be over. What on Arus could Lotor be hunting? He shuddered at his only conclusion. Keith was still fighting the nagging image of Allura's gaunt and used body, an image that was now burnt in his mind. He couldn't seem to get away from it. Keith was lost in thought when a bent over scrawny woman knocked into him, taking him by surprise. Her eyes seemed so familiar yet he couldn't place them. They could belong to anyone in this crazed delusion of his. Only one way to find out…. He shrugged and followed her out of the room and down a side hall.

"Can I trust you?" The woman's voice asked and with those few words Keith's world came crashing down again. "N….N…Na…Nanny?" He breathed… This gaunt, old, broken woman is Nanny? Yet the voice was unmistakable. He approached her and bowed before her. "My allegiance is to the rightful ruler of this planet…the rightful ruler…your Princess."

Nanny couldn't quite believe what she just heard and looked utterly bewildered. "How…? Who are you?"

He straightened himself. "I am Keith Kogane…and you are?"

Nanny was taken aback by the man. He was everything she had ever dreamed of for her princess and there he was standing right before her. Allura herself seemed so taken with him and she could now see why. Would he?… Could he be the one to free Allura from this hell? It must be him! Nanny pleaded with the stranger. "You must help my mistress…take her away, teach her to fight so no man can ever imprison her again. Please? I beg you! You must help her!"

A soldier approached, sending Nanny into a panic. The soldier bowed. "My Lord, will you come this way? The horses are waiting."

Keith turned back to Nanny but she was gone. "Where did…?"

"Where did what sir?" The soldier asked.

"The woman that…" Keith looked all around. "Never mind, lead on."

"My Lord." Al seemed to appear out of nowhere moving to Keith's side.

"That was Nanny?"


"Nanny?" Keith gestured with his hands to illustrate Nanny's normal girth.

"Yes, the very same."

"It can't be. That Nanny wants me to take Allura away with me!"

"And that surprises you?"


"Ahh, Lord Kogane. I trust you had a good night." King Lotor approached.

Keith pulled upon every bit of self-control he could muster. "It was agreeable."

"HAHAHAHA! She is lovely isn't she? You should have seen her before."

"Before?" Keith tried not to growl.

"Ah, her beauty I am sad to say has faded along with her planet's." Lotor put his arm around Keith's stiffening shoulders. "Come, there are still areas which I have protected from progress. Let's see what we can chase up shall we?"

Keith allowed himself to be led outside. There, two giant draft warhorses covered in armor awaited them. Eight guards were already mounted up and at the ready.

Lotor grinned. "I assume you know how to ride?" He asked as he deftly swung up into the saddle.

"I think I might remember." Keith walked up to the remaining steed and mounted as well.

"I will be awaiting your return, my Lord." Al bowed humbly.

Four mounted guards led the way, Keith and Lotor rode side by side behind them, the other four guards bringing up the rear. They rode off over the bridge across the large sea of tarmac that used to be a forest… through the ruins of a town. All the while Lotor was continually bragging about this and that, Keith hardly paying any attention at all, too busy trying to place where on Arus he was. Everything that once was was literally gone, wiped away. Every geographical landmark had changed, or been outright destroyed. They rode for a good hour before they reached green.

"This is my little game preserve. Do you like it?"

Game preserve? Keith still couldn't fathom what beast on Arus Lotor would think was worth hunting.

As if hearing the question Lotor continued. "The indigenous life forms on this world were a bit lackluster to say the least, so I had some imported. Best part is they keep the rebel native population in check as well. Oh how I love nature."

Keith grew cold to it all. Not wanting to think about the meaning of Lotor's offhanded remarks. They slowly entered the woods. A little piece of Arus still remained at least. Keith could hear the sound of running water from a nearby spring. There was also the sound of birds, insects, and small animals as they went about their foraging. Soon they were completely engulfed in the forest and Keith could almost forget where he was... until he spoke again.

"Just ahead we might get lucky. There is a clearing where they normally stalk their prey."

"They?" Keith asked.

Lotor smiled. "You'll see."

They reach the clearing and the guards fanned out on either side, halting at the perimeter. A huge gouge had been cut through the forest, ancient trees sheered completely off, unnaturally creating the clearing. Keith could see amongst the re-growth bits and pieces of metal gleaming in the sun and in the distance a burnt out twisted hull of a ship long overgrown with vegetation.

Lotor motioned for all to be quiet and pointed off into the clearing. At first Keith didn't see it, but then it moved just ever so slightly. Something was lying in wait in the tall grass. Something big. Something Keith had never seen before.

Lotor quietly dismounted taking his sword in one hand, a dagger in the other. Grinning like a kid in a candy store he began to stalk it. The thing, whatever it was, had its attention focused in a small boar-like animal grazing and didn't see, hear or smell the King's approach. Keith then realizing they had entered the clearing downwind so as not to alert anything to their presence. Once Lotor got within twenty feet of the beast, instead of sneaking up the rest of the way, Lotor stood to his full height and let out a roar. The thing leapt up, springing into the air and landed teeth and claws bared, ready to pounce on Lotor.

Keith was taken aback. The thing was just like a giant saber-toothed cat from Earth's own past, but it was absolutely huge. It's shoulders were easily eight feet tall even in its crouch. Its camouflage was almost perfect, striped like a tiger, but in the very same shades of green as the grass in which it was hiding. That to Keith meant one thing, it's usual pray must see in color unlike most animals… Humanoid… Keith moved to dismount but one of the guards stopped him. "Lotor always gets first blood."

Fine by me Keith thought as he shook his head. He's welcome to it. He watched as Lotor deftly dodged, evading the big cat's long claws.

Lotor eventually brought the animal down, his body covered in the cat's blood. He then raised his head to the heavens and let out a roar of victory. "Hahahahaha, now that was a good fight." Lotor laughed as he begin cleaning his blades on the animal's skin. "I want this one's hide!" He barked at his men who obediently rode forward, dismounted and begin skinning the animal for their king.

Keith rode up and dismounted with them to get a better look at the beast. He walked up to the fallen cat. The thing was absolutely gigantic, he couldn't help but to imagine what such a thing would do to the people still living on Arus.

"Beautiful animal isn't it?" Lotor approached, cloth in hand, wiping the blood from his face. "Yes, the giant cats of Neebor. Just had to bring some here, they are so well suited for life here on Arus. Next one's yours." Lotor grinned putting his arm around Keith shoulders. "You are fine with seconds?" Lotor laughed, giving Keith a joking shove. "Speaking of seconds, how did you like my little princess?"

Keith felt the hair instantly rise up on his neck his whole body tensing up.

"You should know. I don't let just anybody have her, you see she is rather special to me…My sweet, innocent, pure, virginal princess….HAHAHAHA… well she was… HAHAHAHA…"

Keith tied to keep his cool about him. He started to walk towards the burnt out wreckage at one end of the clearing, but Lotor followed him, always the gracious host. Keith tried to tune out the boasting but he couldn't and some deep, buried, dark part of him began stirring to life and with every heartbeat it grew and grew and grew.

"She was the most beautiful vision I had ever seen…" Lotor continued as they walked. Thick golden hair that you just wanted to grab onto, skin like the finest porcelain, eyes as blue as the deepest sea, and a body… oooh ho ho…you should have seen it, she was… well… exquisite…" Lotor paused to kick a large piece of wreckage. "I was going to make her my queen, but that witch…!" Lotor stopped, his hands becoming fists. "I give her the gift that is my seed and she repays me not two hours later by trying to gouge it out of her with my own sword! Luckily Haggar was able to save her life, but the bitch could no longer carry life in her womb. And I ask you… what kind of Queen is that?"

Keith froze in his tracks his whole body shaking. The scar on Allura's belly… the scar… The rage began to boil to the surface. His eyes became slits as he looked down at the ground trying to latch on to what little bit of control he had left. He focused on a gleaming piece of metal. And then it registered exactly what he was looking at… His head snapped up. Half buried in the trees ahead was the disembodied head of the Yellow Lion. Keith spun around taking it all in. All around him were thousands of sparking pieces of metal twinkling in the light of the sun. All of it, pieces of the Yellow Lion. Keith's demonic eyes landed on Lotor, gritting his teeth. He was on fire, deciding the Yellow's resting place was the perfect resting place for Lotor too. Keith unceremoniously drew his sword and leapt at Lotor without warning, catching the King completely unprepared. Lotor dove to evade as the sword just nicked his arm.

"What! You dare attack me! I am Lotor… King of…"

"Oh shut up…" Keith lunged at him, slashing again with his sword and taking a chunk of cloth with him. He smiled as he noticed pleasingly that there was also blood dripping from its tip. "Ahhhhh…first blood… how nice." Keith charged in again, blade held aloft, ready to strike.

Lotor tripped over wreckage as he tried to gain some distance and draw his sword before Keith was almost on him again. The guards having noticed, started running towards them with their guns drawn. Lotor and Keith were soon caught up in a frenzy of attacks each meeting the blade of the other, Lotor's face contorted in panic, while Keith's remained focused and intent. They broke apart, each circling the other.

A guard behind Lotor saw his chance, lining up a shot and took it. Keith tried to dodge, but the shot hit his leg, dropping him to his knees.

"Idiot!" Lotor growled and elbowed the guard in the nose almost knocking the man out. "He's mine! Do you hear me…? MINE!" The guard staggered back, holding his bloodied nose.

Keith looked at the ground, adrenaline kicking in full force. "YOU…" He slowly looked up meeting Lotor's yellow eyes. "…You defiled MY princess…for that… you must die…" Keith slowly rose to his feet, blood pouring out of the wound on his leg, as he leveled his sword at Lotor.

Suddenly spears began raining down on them from multiple directions one striking soundly into one of the guards. The guards, quickly went on the offensive beginning to shoot wildly into the grass all around them. "Sir, quickly we must retreat! Two of them grabbed the protesting Lotor and raced him to the horses while the others lay down cover fire.

Keith tried to run after Lotor, ready for the kill, dodging spears as he went but his wounded leg was not getting him very far. Another guard was taken down by a spear as they made their hasty retreat, quickly getting their King onto his horse and spiriting him away.

The spears stopped flying as Keith was left alone in the field with two dead guards. Looking all around then he saw …the tall grass was alivebut alive with what?He readied his sword and slowly turned. All around him wild men stood, each clad in the camouflaged pelts of the giant green saber cats, each with a spear at the ready. One boldly approached him, looking more like a giant grizzly than a man. He steadily walked up to Keith slowly getting closer and closer. By the look of him, he could crush Keith with just his bare hands. Keith held his sword ready to strike. Well if this is how I go, so be it. The beast man's eyes seem to pierce right through him, the only feature he could see from under the head of the cat perched atop his head and through the overgrowth of unkempt hair. The man readied his spear and nodded.

Keith suddenly felt a heavy blow to his head and then everything faded as his body hit the ground.

On to the next part

Fan Fiction, Moira, Greatest Gift, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, About